National Council of Canadian Muslims

National Council of Canadian Muslims says London killings a `terrorist attack’

The Canadian Bazaar
TORONTO: The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) condemned the killing of four members of a Muslim family in a hit-and-run by a pick-up driver in London on Sunday evening.
The NCCM said it “is beyond horrified and demands justice after the horrific car attack on a Muslim family in London, Ontario who were out for a walk on Sunday evening.”
Mustafa Farooq, CEO of the non-profit, said, “This is a terrorist attack on Canadian soil, and should be treated as such. We call on the government to prosecute the attacker to the fullest extent of the law, including considering terrorist charges.”
He said, “Muslims in Canada have become all too familiar with the violence of Islamophobia, with attacks on Muslim women in Alberta, the IMO mosque killing, and the Quebec City mosque massacre. But this loss of a family, the loss of a child in our community because of Islamophobia – this is a sorrow that will run deep for a long time. But let that sorrow be the ground where we stand for justice, and stand for change.”


One response to “National Council of Canadian Muslims says London killings a `terrorist attack’”

  1. With all due respect Mustafa…. I just saw you on the news…. While you were very articulate and did have a lot of great things to say. You really should retract or at least refine your statement about 3% it would seem as though you are unaware that there a rogue offshoots of 3%??? (more than a few) Having said that the original 3% are far from racist and in fact punish members that use racial slurs or make racist statements. Further the *original 3%* is very likely far more culturally diverse than the neighborhood you live in! (Mexican, *Non* Jihadist Muslim, Black, White, Asian, east Indian etc… name it everyone is welcome including you! /clearly stated in the link below) Of course that would be easy for anyone to see if the YouTube videos of the original 3% hadn’t been taken down because of unfortunate careless comments like yours (sorry but you did jump to conclusions without fully researching this) So… I urge you to educate yourself before painting every group that calls themselves 3% with the same brush. (there are offshoots like “3% militia” that are in no way affiliated with the original 3% and are not recognized by the original organization) *The easiest way for you to confirm all of this would be to visit the site where it clearly states in the *first* paragraph that racism is not tolerated and ALL are welcome to join. I would even encourage you to use the contact form and ask them for yourself if you or anyone you know would be accepted after meeting the requirements they expect (the answer would be without hesitation YES)

    I do hope that in future that if you are to mention 3% that you point out that you are not referring to the original 3% but the rouge off-shoots. Enjoy your day and I wish you all the best in your in your efforts to make the lives of your fellow Muslims better as absolutely NO ONE deserves to be treated as a second class citizen for any reason much less religious beliefs or skin color! By thoughts go out to the Muslim family that was viciously attacked by that lowlife (I will say contrary to my above statement that he actually does deserve to be labeled as second class or lower …him and people like him are the exception)

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