funny jokes

Funny jokes

funny jokes


Mother vs. mother-in-law

God said: I cannot be everywhere, so I created mother.

Devil said: I cannot be everywhere, so I created mother-in-law.


Alia Bhat:- पापा, एलोपैथी का विरोध करने वाले रामदेव के कैंप के बाहर मैंने खुद

                रेमेडिसिवीर का बैनर लगा देखा है.

Mahesh Bhat: – “चुप हो जा मन्द बुद्धि

                      वो Ramdev Shivir लिखा था”


तुम्हारी बीवी

जलता हुआ रावण सामने खड़ी भीड़ से बारबार पूछ रहा था: `दुष्टों तुम्हारी बीवी उठाईं थी क्या मैंने ?’

भीड़ से आवाज़ आई: `नही उठाई, इसीलिए तुझे जला रहे है कम्बख़्त ।’


नीबू, केला और नारियल

नीबू, केला और नारियल तीनों अपनी अपनी कहानी सुना रहे हैं

नीबू: लोग बेरहमी से मुझे बीच से काटते हैं और पूरी तरह से निचोड़ लेते हैं

केला: मुझे तो नंगा कर के खा जाते हैं

नारियल: साले कमीने मुझे इतना जोर से पत्थर पर मारते हैं कि मेरी सुसु निकल जाती है और उसे भी गिलास में ले के पीते हैं



Q. What is the gender of Maggi?

(a) MALE


Answer. (a) MALE. Because MAGGI gets ready in 2 minutes!



A teacher asked his students to write an essay on a cricket match.

All got busy writing except Santa Singh.

Teacher: Santa Singh, have you finished your essay?

Santa Singh: Yes, sir.

Teacher: Show me.

Santa Singh’s essay read: `DUE TO RAIN, NO MATCH!’


शराब छुड़वायें

शराब छुड़वाने के लिये

संपर्क करें:

डॉक्‍टर पी. के. गिरपड़े


ससुर जी

सुबह ससुराल से ससुर जी का फ़ोन आया और बोले दामाद जी कल तुम्हारे साले के लिए

लड़की देखने जाना है हो सके तो कल आ जाओI

मैंने कहा: ससुर जी अपने हिसाब से देख लो….

यहाँ तो मेरा खुद का डिसीजन गलत हुआ पड़ा है।


कैसा है यह कॉलेज?

इंजीनियरिंग का फाँरम भरते हुये छात्र ने पास खड़े

चौकीदार से पूछा: कैसा है यह कॉलेज?

चौकीदार बोला: बहुत बढ़िया है, हमने भी

यहीं से इंजीनियरिंग की है!


संत प्रवचन

एक संत प्रवचन दे रहे थे कि

जिसे तुम प्रेम करते हो

उसे स्वतंत्र छोड़ दोI

तभी एक महिला बोली:
छोड़ा था जी
पड़ोसन के घर बैठे मिलेI


Husband in kitchen

A woman returns home from office. She goes to the kitchen and

finds her husband stalking around with a fly swatter.

Wife: What are you doing here?

Husband: Killing flies.

Wife: Have you killed any so far?

Husband: Killed seven – 3 males and 4 females.

Intrigued by his answer, the wife asks: How do you know the sex of the flies you killed?

Husband: Becasue 3 were on the beer can and 4 were on the phone.


बीवी और सास

एक  बंदा अपने ससुराल में  गुरुजी का प्रवचन सुनने गया !

गुरुजी बोले: “जो-जो स्वर्ग जाना चाहता है, वह अपना हाथ ऊपर करे !”

बंदे की बीवी और सास ने हाथ ऊपर उठाया !

गुरूजी ने बन्दे से पूछा: “क्या तुम स्वर्ग नहीं जाना चाहते?”

बंदा: “गुरुजी यह दोनों चली जायेंगी तो यही पर स्वर्ग हो जायेगा!”


पाकिस्‍तान का बाप

एक पंडितजी ने अपने बच्चे का नाम पाकिस्‍तान रखा
तो सभी हैरान हुयेI

दोस्‍तों ने पूछा कि आप तो बड़े देशभक्‍त कहलाते थे अपने
को और बेटे का नाम रखा पाकिस्‍तानI

पंडितजी बोले: देशभक्‍त हूं तभी यह नाम रखा हैI

दोस्‍तों ने पूछा : यह कैसे?

पंडितजी बोले: ताकि पाकिस्‍तान को पता चल जाये
कि हिन्‍दुस्‍तान में ऊसका बाप बैठा हैI


दो साधु

दो व्‍यकित ऐक साथ साधु बनेI

और वो ऐक साथ ही गावों में जाते

मांगने के लिऐI

ऐक दिन किसी ने उनसे पूछा के

आप इकट्ठा क्‍यें मांगने आते हो?

तो साधु बोले: हम साधु बनने से पहले साढ़ू थे!



A Toronto blonde plans a summer trip to London.

She rings up an airline and asks, “How long are your flights from Toronto to London?”

The woman on the other end of the phone says, “Just a minute…”

The blonde says, “Thanks!” and hangs up the phone.



Santa: What the best invention in the world?

Banta: Whisky.

Santa: How?

Banta: One double and you start feeling single again.


ताऊ और ड़ाक्‍टरनी

ताऊ अस्‍पताल गयाI

डाक्‍टरनी: ऐक लम्‍बी सांस लोI

ताऊ ने लम्‍बी सांस ली!

डाक्‍टरनी: क्‍या महसूस हुआ?

ताऊ: कोण सा परफ़्‍यूम लगा कर आई है,
मज़ा सा आ गया!


पंड़ितजी की बीवी

पंड़ितजी अपनी बीवी के आफिस मे आये तो देखा के बीवी तो बौस की गोदी में बैठी हैं।

पंड़ितजी बोले: “चल लाजवंती ऐसी जगह क्या काम करना जहां स्‍टाफ के बैठने के लिये कुरसी भी न हो।”



Santa Singh got promotion and became an officer in his department.

Because of new his status, he decided to speak only in English to his staff.

One morning, his peon looked through the door to see if his boss was busy.

Santa Singh noticed him and shouted, “Why are you outstanding? Please income.”



सनी लीओन की लोकप्रियता देख, भारत सरकार ने postal stamp बनवाए।

Stamp की खपत इतनी बढी के सनी भी खूश और भारत सरकार भी खुश।

तब कहीं से शिकायते आनी शुरू हुई के भैया stamp तो चिपकता ही नहीं।

सरकार ने एक कमीशन का गठन किया और जाँच के आदेश दे दिये।

कुछ दिनों में ही जाँच का रिपोर्ट आ गया के stamp तो बिल्कुल सही है,  लोग चाटतें गलत side से है।


Marriage certificate

Wife: What are you doing?
Husband: Nothing.
Wife: Nothing? You have been reading our marriage certificate for an hour.
Husband: I was looking for the expiration date.



One day, a blonde got fed up with blonde jokes. She rushed home and decided to hang herself.

She took a rope, locked the bathroom door and told her husband loudly, “I am sick of blonde jokes. I am going to hang myself.”

The husband rushed, broke open the bathroom door and saw the blonde with the rope tied around her ankle.

The husband said, “You said you are going to hang yourself.”

The blonde said, “Yeah, I am.”

The husband said, “But you have the rope tied around your ankle.’’

The blonde said, “I tried the rope around my neck but I couldn’t breathe properly.”


पप्पू और मच्छर

पप्पू को रात में सोते समय एक मच्छर ने काट लिया तो 
पप्पू गुस्से में रात भर मच्छर के पीछे चप्पल लेकर भागता रहा, 
लेकिन मार नहीं पाया।

ऐसे करते करते सुबह हो गयी.

 बोला: `चलो इसे मार तो नहीं पाया, 
लेकिन इस बात की खुशी है कि रात भर मैंने इसे भी सोने नहीं दिया


पति पत्नी

पत्नी: शादी के पहले आप मुझे कहाँ कहाँ घुमाते थे!
होटल, सिनेमा, आसपास के नजारे और न जाने क्या क्या?

और जब शादी हुई तो घर के बाहर भी नही लेके जाते!

पति: तूने कभी चुनाव के बाद प्रचार होता देखा है?



Santa Singh moved to England. Slowly his English improved. One day he invited his factory friends for a dinner party.

There was a lot of curd on the table.

Pointing at the curd, his Englishman friend asked Santa what is that?

Santa said, “Milk sleeping during night and morning becoming tight.’’


चोर पकड़ने की मशीन

चोर पकड़ने की मशीन बनीI
USA में 1 दिन में 9 चोर पकडे गये
CHINA में 30
UK में 50
पाकिस्तान में 80
भारत में 1 घंटे में मशीन चोरी हो गयी!
बोलो भारत माता की जयI


पति पत्नी

पति पत्नी सब्ज़ी मार्केट में गये.

पत्नी इतना भाव मोल और जाँच प्रताल कर रही थी…की पति परेशान हो गया.

पति : `कृपा करके जल्दी ख़रीदो…ऑफ़िस को late हो रहा हु.’

पत्नी : `तुम बीच में मत बोलो, जल्दी जल्दी करके ही तुम जैसा पति मिला हैं मुझे…अब कोई नयी ग़लती नहीं करनी.’



After returning from a foreign trip, Sardarji asked his wife : `Do I look like a foreigner?’

Wife: `No! Why?’

Sardarji: `In London a lady asked me “are you a foreigner?” ‘



A bachelor with a well-paid job meets a smart girl and falls in love with her. Their wedding date is set six months later.

One day, his boss invites the bachelor for dinner at his place before his marriage.

The boss tells his wife, “Darling, a bachelor colleague of mine is coming for dinner today.’’

The wife gets angry and shouts at her husband, “What is wrong with you? The house is a mess and you invite a colleague for dinner? I haven’t been shopping, all the dishes are dirty, and I don’t feel like cooking a fancy meal.’’

The husband said, “OK, OK, cool down. I know all that.’’

The wife said, “If you know all that, why did you invite the friend for dinner?”

The husband replied, “Because the poor fool is about to get married, and I wanted to show him the trailer.’’


गधे की शादी

गधा: मेरा मालीक मुझे  बहुत पीटता है

कुत्ता: तुम भाग क्यो नही जाते

गधा: मालिक की खुबसुरत लडकी जब पढाई नही करती तो मालिक कहता हैं के “तेरी शादी गधे से कर दुंगा”
बस इसी उम्मीद से टीका हुं


पति पत्‍नी मारपीट

पति पत्‍नी दोनो काफी देर से
एक दूसरे को गाळी दे रहे थे,
चिल्‍ळा रहे थे।
पड़ोसी ने जा के समझया कि
शरीर के घाव भर जाते हैं
मगर शब्‍दों के घाव कभी नही
तब जा कर कहीं मारपीट शुरू हुई।


Stupid boyfriend

A girlfriend left a note on the fridge which read:

“It’s not working. I can’t take it anymore. I’m going to my mom.”

The boyfriend returns home, reads the note and opens the fridge.

The light is on.

The beer is cold.

What the hell is she talking about?


संता की सगाई

संता ने अपनी सगाई तोड़ दी क्योंकि लड़की कुंवारी थी।
पूछने पर संता बोला: जो आजतक किसी की न हुई वह मेरी ‍क्या होगी।



One day a man spotted a lamp by the roadside. He picked it up, rubbed it vigorously, and a genie appeared.

“I’ll grant you your fondest wish,” the genie said.

The man thought for a moment, then said, “I want a spectacular job — a job that no man has ever succeeded at or has ever attempted to do.”

“Poof!” said the genie. “You’re a housewife.”



Little son: “Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?”

Dad: “I don’t know son, I’m still paying!”




funny jokes


Too funny


Punjabi vs Bengali



Smart+stupid= Pregnant


Love marriage vs arranged marriage.


Single vs Committed 


single vs committed(Courtesy Facebook)



Marriage is a workshop

where husband works &

wife always shops.




*LIMITED EDITION* A youngster asked his grandfather…
“Grandpa! How did you people live before with

No technology
No aeroplanes
No internet
No Computer
No Dramas
No aircons
No cars
No Mobile phones.

Grandda replied
Just like how you people living today…

No Prayer
No compassion
No honour
No respect
No character
No shame
No modesty”

We, the people born between 1950-1989 are the blessed ones…
Our life is a living proof.

?While playing and riding bicycle, we never bothered to wear helmets.

?After school time we played until its dusk but never watched (TV) by locking up ourselves in a room.

?We played only with our real friends, not with NET friends.

? If we ever felt thirsty, we used to drink tap water but never searched for bottled water.

?We never got ill even after sharing the same juice with four friends.

?We were never put on weight even after eating plate full of rice everyday.

?Nothing happened to our feet even after roaming bare foot.

?We never used any health supplements to keep ourselves healthy.

?We used to create our own toys and play with them.

?Our parents were not rich. They just searched for and gave only love.. not any worldly material.

?We never had cellphones, DVDs, Play stations, XBoxes, video games, Personal computers, internet, chat but we had many real friends.

?We used to visit our friend’s home uncalled and enjoyed food with them. We never had to call them and ask their permission to visit their home.

?Relatives were near to us so our hearts and souls were happy.

?We may have been in Black and White photos but you can find good colourful memories in those photos……..

? We are a unique and the most understanding generation, because we are the last generation who listened to their parents….
and also the first which have to listen to their children.

*We are LIMITED Edition!*


Teacher: Who is the youngest in your family?

Kids: Our dad.

Teacher: How can your dad be the youngest in your family?

Kids: Because he sleeps with mom!


दादा और दादी की जवानी

एक दादा और एक दादी ने अपनी जवानी के दिनों को ताज़ा और re-live करने की सोची.

उन्होन्ने प्लान किया कि वो एक बार शादी से पहले के दिनों की तरह छुप कर नदी किनारे मिलेंगे.

दादा तैयार शैयार होकर, बांके स्टाइल वाला बाल संवार कर, लंबी टहनी वाला खूबसूरत लाल गुलाब हाथ में लेकर नदी किनारे की पुरानी जगह पहूंच गये. उनका उत्सुक इंतज़ार शुरू हो गया. ताज़ी ठंढी हवा बहुत रोमैंटिक लग रही थी.

एक घंटा गुजरा, दूसरा भी, यहां तक कि तीसरा भी पर दादी दूर दूर तक नहीं दिखी।दादा अपना सेलफोन भी नहीं ले गये थे क्यों कि उनके समय में तो PCO भी नहीं होते थे।

दादा को फ़िक्र हुई, बहुत गुस्सा आया।

झल्लाते हुए घर पहुंचे ……………… तो देखा

दादी कुर्सी पर बैठी मुस्करा रही थी।

दादा, लाल पीले होते हुए: “तुम आयीं क्यों नहीं”

दादी शरमाते हुए: “मम्मी ने आने नहीं दिया.”

A boy and a girl are traveling on a train.

Girl : Every time you smile, I feel like inviting you to my place.

Boy:  Are you single?

Girl : No, I am a dentist…

 झूठी पति
पति: हिप्नोटाइज (hyptonize) करना क्या होता है ?

पत्नी: किसी को अपने कंट्रोल में कर के,
अपनी मर्ज़ी के काम करवाना।

पति: चल झूठी, उसे तो शादी कहते हैं।

पति पत्नी और मिर्ची

पत्नी: अजी सुनते हो,
मिर्ची किस मौसम में लगती है?

पति: इसका कोई खास मौसम नहीं है।
जब सच बोलो तब ?लग जाती है।



A husband texts his wife: “Darling, do you love me more than my money?”

She texts back: “ ¥… €… $ “.

The husband is still confused.


Santa Singh goes for a job interview. The interviewer asks him to stand up and give the opposite of the words.

Interviewer : Made in India.
Santa Singh : Destroyed in Pakistan.
Interviewer : Good… Keep it up.
Santa Singh : Bad…. put it down.
Interviewer : Maxi Mum.
Santa Singh : Mini Dad.
Interviewer : Enough! Take your seat.
Santa Singh : Insufficient! Don’t take my seat.
Interviewer : You idiot. Take your seat.
Santa Singh : You clever. Don’t take my seat.
Interviewer : I say you get out.
Santa Singh : You didn’t say I come in.
Interviewer : I reject you.
Santa Singh : You appoint me.



इंगलिश की class में गोलू लेट पहुंचा.

इंगलिश टीचर: Golu, why are you so late?

गोलू : “सर वो ना…’’

टीचर: “Golu, speak in English.’’

गोलू: “सर माय कार वाज फसिंग 
इन कीचड़, नो हिलिंग नो डुलिंग,
 ओनली पो..पो..पा..पा..करिंग।’’


Z-plus सुरक्षा

एक बन्दा जो इलेक्शन में किस्मत आजमा रहा था, उसे सिर्फ तीन वोट मिले।

अब उसने सरकार से Z-plus की सुरक्षा माँग की

जिले के DC ने समझाते हुए कहा: “आप को सिर्फ तीन वोट मिले है, फिर आप को Z-plus सुरक्षा कैसे दी जा सकती है

वह आदमी बोला: “जिस शहर में लोग मेरे इतने खिलाफ हो तो मुझे सुरक्षा मिलनी ही चाहिए।”


एक बेचारा पति 

पति: प्यारी पत्नी जी, तुम्हें जन्मदिन की हार्दिक बधाई और शुभकामनाएँ …. आज

मुझे 2 तोले सोने की चपत लगनी तय है

पत्नी:  लेकिन, मेरा ख़ुद का सोना और चैन तुम्हारे हाथ में ही है ….. मेरे प्यारे पति जी



Teen: You’re invading my personal space.
Mother: You came out of my personal space.




Doctor – Ek toothbrush kitne time me retire hota hai ?

Chinese – One Week.

Bristish – One Month.

American – Three Months.

Indian – Never.

Doctor – How?

Indian:  India me toh pehle toothbrush daant ghassne ke kaam aata hai..
Phir hair colour lagaane ke kaam aata hai….
Phir machine ki safaai karne ke kaam aata hai….
Phir jab uske baal gir jaaye toh……
Pajaama me NAADA daalne ke kaam aata hai!!!


 ज्यादा मस्त

एक बार एक husband और wife बगीचे मे हाथ मे हाथ डाले घूम रहे थे

उसी टाइम एक शरारती बच्चा वहा से गुजरा और बोला:

भैया, कल वाली ज्यादा मस्त थी।

Husband चार दिन से ख़ाली पेट बगीचे में उस बच्चे को ढूंढ रहा है।



A mathematician returns home at 3 am. His wife is very angry and gives him an earful.

Wife: “You said you will be home by 11:45PM. Where were you?”

Mathematician: “Actually, I had told you that I will be home by a quarter of 12. Divide 12 by 4. Now do you get it?”


How to keep wife happy?

It is very easy.

A husband only needs to be:

1. a friend
2. a companion
3. a lover
4. a chef
5. an electrician
6. a carpenter
7. a plumber
8. a mechanic
9. a decorator
10. a stylist
11. a charmer
12. a bug exterminator
13 a psychiatrist
14. a healer
15. a good listener
16. an organizer
17. a good father
18. Very clean
19. Sympathetic
20. Athletic
21. Warm
22. Attentive
23. Gallant
24. Intelligent
25. Funny
26. Creative
27. Tender
28. Strong
29. Understanding
30. Tolerant
31. Prudent
32. Ambitious
33. Capable
34. Courageous
35. Determined
36. True
37. Dependable
38. Passionate
39. Compassionate

40. Give her compliments frequently
41. Love shopping
42. Be honest
43. Be very rich
44. Never stress her
45. Never look at other women!

He must also:

46. Give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself
47. Give her lots of time, especially time for herself
48. Give her lots of space

And very importantly:

49. Never to forget:

* birthdays
* anniversaries
* her favorite color
* her favorite flower
* her favorite gem
* her favorite fragrance
* her favorite memories
* her favorite holidays
* her favorite friends
* her favorite vacation destinations
* her favorite beverage
* her favorite food
* her favorite restaurant
* any arrangements she makes




A guy was in love with a girl but never had the guts to tell her. One night around at 10, he gathered some courage & sent her a text with these honest words…

“Doreen, I love you, Plz reply & tell me how you feel.”

A few seconds later he received a message alert on his phone. He was so scared and too tensed to open it that night so he decided not to check the message until the next morning when he’s less tense and in better senses. So he went to sleep.

When he woke up the next day he prayed seriously about the message for good news and picked his phone to read the message
on his phone.

This was the response he read: “Dear customer you have insufficient balance to send this message. Please recharge your account and try again”.

 आज का राशिफल

1 मेष – आज भी बैंक की लाइन में धक्के खाएगा
2 वृषभ – 2000 का नया नोट गुम हो जाएगा
3.मिथुन- बीवी से गुप्त धन मिलेगा
4 कर्क – बैंक की लाइन में पहलवान से झगड़ा होगा
5 सिंह – मैनेजर धक्के देकर बैंक से बाहर निकालेगा
6 कन्या – 2000 का नया नोट आकस्मिक फट जाएगा।
7 तुला – बैंक की लाइन में खड़े खड़े स्वास्थ्य खराब होगा।
8 वृश्चिक – एटीएम धोखा देगी
9 धनु,- मकान और प्रतिष्ठान पर पुलिस की रेड पड़ेगी।
10 मकर – खुल्ला मांगने वाले परेशान करेंगे।
11. कुम्भ – पाप का घड़ा फूटेगा।
12. मीन – लाइन में खड़े खड़े प्रेम प्रसंग बढ़ेगा।

Wife: `Darling, how much do you love me?’
Husband: `85.5 percent.’
Wife: `Huh, why it is not 100 percent?’
Husband: `14.5 percent VAT applicable on all transactions.’
A man and and his girlfriend decide to get married. They go to a registry office to register their marriage.
The clerk records all the information–names, dates of birth, etc. – and collects the required fees.
Handing them the marriage licence, the clerk says, “No refunds, no warranties.”
Husband: “I found Aladin’s lamp today.”
Wife: “Wow, what did you ask for, darling?”
Husband: “I asked him to increase your brain ten times.”
Wife: “Oh, I love you so much.. Did he do that?”
Husband: “He laughed and said that multiplication doesn’t apply on zero.”



This is how zero was discovered by the Indian mathematician Aryabhatta when he was having a conversation with his wife.

Aryabhatta to his wife: “Will you let me go out alone & enjoy with my friends over every weekend, every month?”

Wife: “What is the probability of me saying yes as per your calculation?

Aryabhatta: “Zero.”



A frustrated husband in front of his laptop: “Dear Google, please do not behave like my wife…
Please allow me to complete my sentence before you start guessing & suggesting.”



A husband and wife go to a restaurant for dinner.

Husband to the waiter: “Please bring your  juiciest steak for me.”

Waiter: “But what about the mad cow, sir?”

Husband: “She will order for herself.

A man goes to his doctor.
Man to the doctor: “Is there any way for long life?
Doctor: “Get married.”
Man: “How will marriage help me in having a long life?”
Doctor: “Once you are married, the thought of long life will never come to your mind.”

बाप : बेटे ज़रा computer का पासवर्ड बताना!
बेटा : मैं ड़ाल देता हूँ पिताजी।

बाप : बाप हूँ तेरा, बता।
बेटा : मैं डाल देता हूँ ना,
आप से कुछ गलती हो जायेगी।

बाप : अनपढ़ नहीं हूँ बोल!
बेटा : फिर भी मैं ड़ाल देता हूँ ना पिताजी।

बाप : बोल।
बेटा : Papakisetting@flat306

बाप ने जूता फटने तक मारा…



Santa: “Which is better? Google or Yahoo?”

Banta:  “Oh wait. Let me first search it on



Woman buys a new Sim card, puts it in her phone and decides to surprise her husband who is sitting in the living room.

She goes to the kitchen, calls her husband with the new number: “Hello Darling.”

The husband responds in a low tone: “Honey,  let me call you back later because the stupid woman is in the kitchen.”



Q: Why can’t women drive well?

A: Because there are so many mirrors in car to distract them.



An airline introduced a special package for business men. The package said: `Buy your ticket, get your wife’s ticket free.’

Lots of businessmen bought tickets.

After the great success of the trip, the company sent letters to the wives asking them how was the trip.

All of them gave the same reply: `What trip?’


आज का रावण

रावण के सर- 10
आँखे: 20
नज़र सिर्फ एक पर: सीता

आजकल के लड़के के
सर: 1
आँखे: 2
नज़र हर लड़की पर
अब बताओ असली रावण कौंन?

Beggar: Please give me 2 dollars for tea.

Man: But tea costs only one dollar.

Beggar: The other dollar is for my girlfriend.

Man: Oh my God, even beggars make girlfriends these days.

Beggar: No sir, my girlfriend made me a beggar!

दो पुरुषों की बातचीत
पहला: मैं शादी करने जा रहा हूँ क्योंकि कपड़े धो-धो कर, झाड़ू लगा-लगा कर और बाहर का खाना खा-खा कर मैं तंग आ गया हूँ !
दूसरा:  कमाल है ! बिलकुल इन्ही वजहों से तंग आकर मैं तलाक लेने जा रहा हूँ !
मच्छर गुनगुनाया
कल रात एक मच्छर कान के पास आ के गुनगुनाया: `भाई जी नवरात्रे कब ख़त्म होंगे?’
मैंने पूछा: `क्यों ?’
तो मच्छर बोला: `भाई जी आपके ख़ून में अल्कोहल कम हो गया है, मज़ा नही आ रहा पहले जैसा!’
Wife is busy packing her clothes.
Husband: `Where are you going?’

Wife: `I’m moving to my mother.’
Husband also starts packing his clothes.

Wife:  `Now where are you going?’

Husband:  `I’m also moving to my mother.’
Wife:  `And what about the kids?
Husband: `Since you are moving to your mother and I’m moving to my mother, then the kids should move to their mother.’

Clothes unpacked.
गुजराती बाई
गुजराती बाई: मने डिवोर्स जोए छे,
मारा पति एक्टिव नथी।

जज: पन तमारा पती तो 
..कबड्डी च्येम्पियन छे।
गुजराती बाई: एज तो प्रोब्लेम छे..
….ख़ाली टच करी ने भागी जाई छे…
Salesman पैराशूट बेच रहा था… हवाई जहाज से कूदो,
बटन दबाओ
और जमीन पर सुरक्षित पहुंच जाओ…
ग्राहक: अगर पैराशूट नहीं खुला तो
Salesman : तो पैसे वापिस
Santa and Banta are trying to understand how women’s brain works.
Santa: I have found why women’s brain works strangely!
Banta: Can you explain that?
Santa: Yeah, there is nothing right in the left side of the women’s brain, and nothing left on the right side of their brain!


Santa: All girls are devils.

Banta: So why are you excited?

Santa: Because my wife is the queen of them.


Pakistani missile

Pakistani missile
Mariam Sharif, daughter of Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

पाकिस्तान जिस मरियम और हिना रब्बानी जैसी मिसाइलों के ऊपर दम भर रहा है, वो भूल गया है कि

हमारे पास भी चाचा दिग्विजय और एन डी तिवारी जैसी इन्टरसैप्टर मिसाइल अभी

जिन्दा है! जो इस उम्र में भी राशनकार्ड बनाने की क्षमता रखते हैं.


 बेटा मम्मी

बेटा: मम्मी,कोई कहानी सुनाओ ना

मम्मी: बेटा, मुझे तो कोई कहानी याद नहीं । अभी तुम्हारे 
पापा घर

आयेंगे, तब मैं पूछूँगी कि इतने लेट कैसे हुए
…,फिर तुम देखना वो कितनी कहानियाँ सुनाते हैं



There are 3 kinds of men in this 

Some who remain single and do

Some who have girlfriends and see wonders happen.

Some who get married and wonder what happened…


फिर से शादी

महिला: मुझे मेरे पूर्व पति से फिर से शादी करनी है।

वकील: अभी आठ दिन पहले ही तो आपका तलाक़ करवाया है। फिर क्यों?

महिला: वो तलाक़ के बाद बहुत खुश दिख रहे हैं और मैं ये बर्दाश्त नहीं कर सकती।


No man is ever satisfied with 4 things in life:
(1) Mobile

(2) Automobile
(3) TV
(4) Wife
Because, there is always a 
better model in the neighborhood.



Santa: “Women live a longer and peaceful life, as compared to men.
 Why? ”

Banta: “Because 
women don’t have a wife!





Question: Why do women love shoes? ?

Answer: Because no matter how much & whatever they eat, the shoes always fit.



Santa and Banta went to see the latest Bollywood release.

After seeing the movie Pink, Santa said: `Pink movie was awesome.’

Banta: `But nothing can beat blue movies.’



On a flight, a man is sitting next to a very beautiful lady wearing very lovely perfume.

The man wants to talk to the lady and finds her perfume as a excuse to start the conversation.

MAN: `Nice perfume…which one is it? I want to gift it to my wife!’

LADY: `Don’t give it to her….some idiot will find an excuse to talk to her!’



Wife: `Why have you returned home so early today?’

Husband: `My boss said go to hell.’



I was all depressed last night, so I called `Lifeline’.

Their call center happened to be in Pakistan.

When I told them that I am feeling suicidal, they
got all excited, and asked me if I could drive a truck.



कल एक गुजराती बड़ी बड़ी फैक रहा था

मोदी हमारे गुजरात से है

गाँधी जी हमारे गुजरात से थे

अम्बानी हमारे गुजरात का है

हरियाणा वाले ने एक लाईन में जबाब दिया: आशाराम कोनसा रोहतक का है? वो बी तो गुजरात का है।


पति पत्नी

पति पत्नी से: “तुमसे शादी कर के मुझे एक फायदा हुआ है.”

पत्नी: “कौन सा फ़ायदा ?”

पति: “मुझे मेरे गुनाहों की सजा, इसी जन्म में मिल गई.”


डॉक्टर साहब

डॉक्टर ने मरीज़ की जांच करने के बाद कहा

डॉक्टर: “आपके कोई पुरानी बीमारी है जो आपके शरीर को धीरे धीरे खा रही है|”

मरीज़: “डॉक्टर साहब, थोड़ा धीरे बोलियें वो बाहर ही बैठी है|”



A boy goes to a wedding with his mom.

The boy looks at the bride and asks his mom, `Mom, why is the girl dressed all in white?’

Mom: `The girl is dressed in white because this is the happiest day in her life.’

Boy: `But then why is the boy dressed all in black?’


होनहार विद्यार्थी 

एक इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज के सभी शिक्षकों को एक टूर पर ले जाने के लिए एक हवाई जहाज में बैठाया गया!

जब सभी शिक्षक  बैठ गए  तो पायलट ने बड़ी ही ख़ुशी से घोषणा की: `आप सभी गणमान्य शिक्षकों को यह जान कर खुशी होगी कि जिस प्लेन में आप बैठे हैं, उसे आप ही के कॉलेज के होनहार विद्यार्थियों ने बनाया है.’

बस फिर क्या था. इतना सुनते ही सभी शिक्षक इस डर से  नीचे उतर गए कि कहीं उड़ान भरते ही विमान दुर्घटना ग्रस्त ना हो जाए!

लेकिन प्रिंसिपल साहब बैठे रहे.  यह देख पायलट उनके पास गया और उनसे पूछा: `सर, सभी टीचर अपने विद्यार्थियों का नाम सुनते ही डर कर उतर गए लेकिन
आप क्यों नहीं उतरे? क्या आपको डर नहीं लग रहा है?’

प्रिंसिपल ने जवाब दिया: `मुझे अपने कॉलेज के शिक्षको से भी ज्यादा अपने विद्यार्थी पर भरोसा है। देख लेना यह प्लेन स्टार्ट ही नहीं होगा!’


शादी के लिए दुआ

लड़की ने नमाज पढी•••और शादी के लिए दुआ मागने लगी!
तो शर्म आ गई ••

कहने लगी या अल्लाह मैं अपने लिए नहीं मांगती…बस मेरी अम्मी को एक खूबसूरत दामाद दे दे!

दुआ क़ुबूल हुई और उसके छोटी बहन की शादी हो गई •••

सीख:  दुआ में overacting से परहेज करें.


Wife: `मुझे नई साड़ी चाहिये,  अम्मा जान से मँगवा दो.’

Husband:  `गंवार, वो अम्मा जान नहीं… Amazon है.’

A man goes to a restaurant, takes a seat and starts crying.
The waiter rushes to him.
Waiter: `Are you okay, sir? What is the problem?’
Man: `My wife told me that she wouldn’t talk to me for a month.’
Waiter: `Oh no, that’s not good.’
Man: `Yes, today that month is over.’
Pakistani PM made a statement: `If there is a war with India, we will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons.’

A Punjabi replied: `Assi keda vyah te chalaan lai rakkhe ne?’

(We – Indians – haven’t kept ours reserved for marriage fireworks either)



A man goes to police to report that his neighbour’s wife has been missing for some time.

Police: `Why are you complaining about his wife missing?’

Man: `I can’t tolerate that guy’s happiness. After his wife went missing, he celebrates every day.’

Son to his mum:  `Mummy, what’s a girlfriend.’
Mum: `If you’re a good boy, you will get one.’
Son:  `What if I am a bad boy?’
Mum: `You will get many.’


Wife takes her ill husband to a doctor.

Doctor gives the following advice to wife:

– Give him healthy breakfast daily

– Be pleasant and in good mood

– Cook tasty dinner

– Don’t discuss your problems with him

– Stop watching TV shows and facebook n whats app

– Don’t demand new jewelry

If you can do this for one year, your husband will be okay.

On the way to home, husband asks wife: `What did the doctor say?’

Wife: `Bachna mushkil hai…(No hope of your recovery).’


तीसरी शादी

दो बच्चों की मां तीसरी शादी कर रही थी.

फेरो के टाइम एक बच्चा रोने लगा.

मां का जवाब सुंन कर दूलहा बेहोश हो गया.

मां बोली: `चुप हो जा, वर्ना अगली बार नही लाउंगी !’


पति पत्नी

पति पत्नी में झगड़ा हो गया!

पति नाराज़ होकर पत्नी से बात नही कर रहा था।

पत्नी: अब मैं 10 तक गिनूँगी. अगर तुम न बोले तो मैं ज़हर खा लुंगी!

पत्नी: `1,2,3,4….8.’

पति : खामोश!

पत्नी : 9…. पति, फिर भी चुप!

पत्नी: बोलो न प्लीज, पत्नी का रोना शुरू!

पति : गिनती गिन… गिनती!

पत्नी: शुक्र है आप बोले तो! नहीं तो मैं ज़हर खाने ही वाली थी!



Wife: “Tell me who is stupid? You or me?”Husband: “Dear, everyone knows that you are so intelligent, you will never marry a stupid person.”


पैसे वाला आदमी

पैसे वाला आदमी:“आज मेरे पास
14 कार
18 दूकान
4 बंगले हैं ..
तुम्हारे पास क्या है?

गरीब आदमी: `मेरे पास 1 बेटा है जिसकी गर्लफ्रेंड तेरी बेटी है.’


पप्पू और गधा

पप्पू स्कूल में गधा लेकर आया.

अध्यापिका: `ये गधा क्यों लेकर आये हो?’

पप्पू: `मिस, आप ही तो कहती हैं कि मैंने बड़े-बड़े गधों को इंसान बनाया है…तो मैंने सोचा कि इसका भी भला हो जाये!’



LADY TEACHER: `Hi sir, I want to meet and talk to you. You are the father of one of my kids.’

The man is stunned!

MAN: `Oh my God! Are you Riya?’


MAN: `Are you Anu?’


MAN: `Pari?’


MAN: `Jassi?’


Now lady is in great confusion, and she says, “No sir, I am the class teacher of your so



A policeman pulled alongside a speeding car on the California freeway. Glancing into the car, he saw that the blonde woman behind the steering was knitting!

Realizing that she was not aware of his flashing lights and siren, the policeman rolled down his window, turned on his bull-horn and yelled, “PULL OVER!”

`No,’ the blonde yelled back, `It’s a SCARF!’

A blonde is talking to her female friend about her boyfriend’s dandruff problem.
Female friend: `You should give your boyfriend Head and Shoulders.’
Blonde: `How do you give shoulders?’



Husband: Can I hug you?

Wife: No.

Husband: I will buy you jewelry.

Wife: No.

Husband: I will buy you a car.

Wife: No.

Husband: I will take you to world trip.

Wife: Still No.

After listening all this, their kid woke up and said, `Dad, you can kiss me as much as you wish but just buy me a bicycle please.’


Boy: `Dad, I have heard that in some parts of Africa a man doesn’t know his wife until he marries her.’

Dad: `Yes, my boy. It happens everywhere all the time.’


Ek aadmi चुपके से नरक से स्वर्ग में घुस गया, देवताओ ने पकड़ लिया और खूब पीटा.

मार खाने के बाद बड़ी मुश्किल से उठा और बोला: `तुम्हारी इन्ही हरकतों की वजह से कोई स्वर्ग नहीं आता.’


दो दोस्त

दो दोस्त दारू पीकर गाङी चला रहे थे.

तभी एक चिल्लाया : `अबे कमीने दिवार है दिवार है आगे दिवार है.’

तभी गाङी दिवार मे घुस गई अगले दिन दोनो हाँस्पीटल मेँ.

पहला दोस्त: `कमीने मैं चिल्ला-चिल्ला कर कह रहा था आगे दिवार है फिर तुने सुना क्यो नही.’

दुसरा दोस्त: `साले, गाङी तू चला रहा था.’



In US when couples go to bed, they say: `Good night, darling.’

In Japan, they say, `Good night, my love.’

In UK, they say, `Sweet dreams, darling.

But Indians say:
`Cylinder off kr diya?’

`Dahi fridge me rkh diya?’

`Gate band kr diya?’

`Bathroom ki light off kr di?’


हेलमेट और पत्नी

हेलमेट और पत्नी, दोनों का स्वभाव एक जैसा है

सिर पर बिठा कर रखो तो जान बची रहेगी।

A blonde comes to driving practice test. She gets into the car and immediately the instructor says:
– You have failed.
Blonde: But why, I have just got into the car.
Instructor: Yes, but you sat on the back seat.


Indians are pretty smart in nativizing foreign names. So Van Heusen shirts become Van Hussain in Uttar Pradesh, and Bhanu Sen in Bengal.



With his wife’s birthday coming at the weekend, a husband is worried about the choice of his gift.

He asks his wife: `Darling, what would you like for your birthday?’

Wife: `I don’t care as long as it has automatic transmission.’



पति बहुत देर से वह बोर्ड गौर से देख रहा था ।

बोर्ड पर सुंदर लड़की का मिक्सर ग्राइंडर के साथ फोटो था ।

यह देखकर पत्नी बड़ी ही नम्रतापूर्वक बोली, “घर चलिए…
एक्सचेंज ऑफर सिर्फ मिक्सर पर है।”



Women are like telephones.

They love to be held.

They love to be talked to. But, if you press the wrong button, you’re disconnected.



अली के तीन बच्चे हुए.

अली ने नाम रखा: हसरत अली, बरकत अली, हरकत अली.

कुछ दिनों बाद 2 बच्चे और हुए.

तो बीवी ने नाम रखे: बस-कर-अली,  रहम-कर-अली.


पुलिस चालान

आज पुलिस ने पकड़कर ૨૦૦૦ का चालान ठोक दिया !
मैने कहा, भाई मैं तो पैदल हूँ !

वो बोला, दो टाँगो से जा रहा है ये #‎ईवन‬# नंबर होगा ओर आज *औड* दिन है!




Punjabi- What’s the price of this painting?

Painter: Rs five lakh. It’s in oil.

Punjabi- Tusi paise di tension na lavo! Mainu kuchh desi ghee mein dikhao.



Wife: I love you.

Husband: I love you, too.

Wife: Prove it, scream it to the WORLD.

Husband: Scream it to the WORLD?

Wife: Yes, scream it to the world.

Husband: (whispers into her ear) I love you.

Wife: Why the hell did you whisper in my ear?

Husband: Because you are my WORLD.


कोर्ट रूम

जज:  आर्डर-आर्डर

सोनिया गांधी:  मई इंदिरा की भउ हूँ, मई किसी से नई डरटी!

राहुल गांधी:  मम्मी, जज साहब और डर नहीं, आर्डर कह रहे हैं!

जज:  अपनी सफाई में आपको क्या कहना है!

सोनिया गांधी:  जज साहब , हम बकासुर हैं!

जज:  ठीक है.. ठीक है! अदालत आप दोनों को पचास-पचास हजार में बेल देती है!

राहुल गांधी:  जज साहब, पचास हजार के बैल से हम क्या करेंगे, ऐसा करो, आप हमे गाय दे दो!

जज:  स्वामी, आइन्दा तूने ऐसे लोगों के खिलाफ मुकदमा किया तो मैं तुझे अंदर कर दूंगा!



A husband comes home from church.

He greets his wife and lifts her up. He then carries her around the house.

The wife is surprised and she asks him: `Did the bishop preach you about being romantic?’’

The husband said, “No, the bishop said we must carry our burdens and sorrows.’’



Ek aadmi के कोई संतान नहीं थी।
उसने खूब मन्नतें मांगी,
नंगे पैर तीर्थ यात्रा पर गया,
भूमि पर सोया,
सारे देवी देवताओं के दर्शन किए,
बहुत दिनों तक उपवास किया, और
अंत में कठिन निर्जला व्रत आरम्भ कर दिया।

तब भगवान् खुद प्रकट हुए
और हाथ जोड़ कर बड़े दीन भाव से बोले..

” पहले शादी तो कर मेरे बाप”



A teacher is quizzing his students about their general knowledge.

Teacher: Can you please tell the name of two great kings who have brought happiness and peace into people’s lives?

Student: Smo-king & Drin-king!


ग़रीब आदमी

एक ग़रीब आदमी बोला:  – ऐसी जिंदगी से तो मौत अच्छी!

अचानक यमदूत आया और बोला: – तुम्हारी जान लेने आया हूँ.

आदमी बोला: – लो अब ग़रीब आदमी मज़ाक भी नही कर सकता?



Preeto and Susan are talking about their husbands.

Preeto: My husband is very suspicious. How to stop him from reading my e-mails?

Susan: It’s simple. Just rename the mail folder to `instruction manuals’.


शादी के बाद हरभजन

शादी के बाद हरभजन के घर का माहोल बहुत धार्मिक होने वाला है ।

गीता 24 घंटे हर भजन करेगी


हरभजन 24 घंटे गीता पढ़ेगा ।



Question: Which is the most dangerous letter?

Answer: W.

Why? Because all the tensions begin with the letter `w’.  And here is the list of the words beginning with `w’ which create  tension: Who. Why. What. When. Which. Whom. Where. War. Wine. Wealth. Worries. And Woman.

Finally, believe it or not  `WIFE’

And the most dangerous question coming from w (wife): `Woh kaun thi (Who was she)?’



What is the English movie name for Karvachauth?

‘Fast and Furious’ – One day Fast, 364 days Furious.




Santa Singh lost his credit card. But he didn’t notice it for a few days and came to know about the theft only when he went for shopping in Square One in Mississauga.

After returning home and desperately searching for it, he reported the theft to his bank and the credit card company as he feared the thief might have used all his money.

But when he got a call back from the credit card company, his joy knew no bounds because the thief was spending way less than his wife.


आज का हिंदी ज्ञान:

Air Hostess = हवाई सुंदरी

Nurse = दवाई सुंदरी

Lady Teacher = पढ़ाई सुँदरी

Maid = सफ़ाई सुँदरी

And wife – लड़ाई सुंदरी



Blonde jokes were invented by brunettes because they were jealous of Marilyn Monroe getting to have an affair with President John F. Kennedy.

Hollywood liked these blonde jokes.  Monroe’s “dumb blonde” persona was used to comic effect in subsequent films such as Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, How to Marry a Millionaire and The Seven Year Itch.


पति पत्नी

पति: “आलू के परांठो में आलू तो नजर नहीं आ रहे हैं”

पत्नी: “चुपचाप खा लो!! कश्मीरी पुलाव में क्या कश्मीर नजर आता है?”

पति: “३ दिन से लगातार लौकी खा रहा हूँ, अब १ महीना नहीं खाऊंगा!”

पत्नी: “यही बात बीयर के लिए क्यूँ नहीं बोलते?”

पति: “कल भी लौकी ही बनाना”


अंगूरी भाभी

अंगूरी भाभी: मेरे पति ने मुझे नया मोबाइल खरीद कर

विभूति: अरे वाह …कौन सी कंपनी का ?

अंगूरी भाभी:  लावारिस !

विभूति बेहोश होते होते बचा और बोले: अरे भाभी वो लावारिस
नहीं,  Lava Iris hai…

अंगूरी भाभी: सही पकड़े है।


बीवियों से तारीफ

एक नया शादीशुदा जोड़ा बाग में टहल रहा था।
अचानक एक बड़ा सा कुत्ता उनकी तरफ झपटा, दोनों को
ही लगा कि ये उन्हें काट लेगा।

बचने का कोई रास्ता न देख पति ने तुरंत अपनी
पत्नी को गोद में ऊपर तक उठा लिया ताकि कुत्ता काटे तो
उसे काटे न कि उसकी पत्नी को।

कुत्ता बिलकुल नज़दीक आकर रुका, कुछ देर तो भौंका
और फिर पीछे की तरफ भाग गया।

पति ने चैन की सांस ली और इस
उम्मीद में पत्नी को गोद से उतारा कि
पत्नी उसे गले लगाएगी और प्यारा सा छोटा
सा किस करेगी।

तभी उसकी तमाम उम्मीदों पर
पानी फेरती उसकी
बीवी चिल्लाई: “मैंने आज तक लोगों को कुत्ते को भगाने के लिए पत्थर या डंडा
फेंकते तो देखा था पर ऐसा आदमी पहली बार देख रही हूँ जो कुत्ते को भगाने के लिए
अपनी बीवी को फ़ेंकने को तैयार था।”

शिक्षा: बीवियों से कभी तारीफ की उम्मीद नहीं करनी चाहिए।



Son: Dad, I have heard that many men in India don’t know their wife until the man marries her. Is it true?

Dad: That happens in every country, my son.


ठेका बंद

पिताजी : कहाँ हो बेटे.

पप्पू : हॉस्टल में पढ़ रहा हूँ एग्जाम बहुत नजदीक है इसलिये बहुत पढ़ना पड़ता है। आप कहाँ हो ?

पिताजी: ठेके पे, ..तेरे पीछे लाइन में लास्ट में खड़ा हूँ। एक हाफ मेरा भी ले लेना ठेका बंद होने वाला है.



Foreigner: Which is the most famous adventure sport in India?

Indian: Arranged marriage.


छोटा बच्चा

छोटा सा बच्चा मम्मी से खफा था!

बच्चा: पापा आपने मम्मी में क्या देखा
जो उसे पसंद किया?

पापा: बेटा, उसके गाल का छोटा सा प्यारा सा तिल.

बच्चा: ओह्ह्ह! पापा कमाल है…इतनी छोटी सी चीज के लिये इतनी बड़ी मुसीबत मोल ले ली

पापा बेहोश


प्रिंसिपल  कI जवाब

एक इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज के सभी शिक्षकों को एक टूर पर ले जाने के लिए एक हवाई जहाज में बैठाया गया!

जब सभी शिक्षक बैठ गए तो पायलट ने बड़ी ही ख़ुशी से घोषणा की- ‘‘आप सभी गणमान्य शिक्षकों को यह जान कर खुशी होगी कि जिस प्लेन में आप बैठे हैं, उसे आप ही के कॉलेज के होनहार विद्यार्थियों ने बनाया है!’’

बस फिर क्या था! इतना सुनते ही सभी शिक्षक इस डर से नीचे उतर गए कि कहीं उड़ान भरते ही विमान दुर्घटना ग्रस्त ना हो जाए! लेकिन प्रिंसिपल साहब बैठे रहे! यह देख पायलट उनके पास गया और उनसे पूछा- सर, सभी टीचर अपने विद्यार्थियों का नाम सुनते ही डर कर उतर गए लेकिन आप क्यों नहीं उतरे? क्या आपको डर नहीं लग रहा है?

प्रिंसिपल ने जवाब दिया – मुझे अपने कॉलेज के शिक्षको से भी ज्यादा अपने विद्यार्थी पर भरोसा है। देख लेना यह प्लेन स्टार्ट ही नहीं होगा..!…


टीचर स्टूडेंट

टीचर स्टूडेंट से :बताओ सतयुग और कलयुग में क्या अंतर है!

स्टूडेंट: सतयुग में इंद्र के पास 10-12 इन्द्राणी होती थी!

कलयुग में इन्द्राणी के पास 10-12 इंद्र होते है ! बस यही है सबसे बड़ा अंतर



एक बस मे हरियाणवी सफर कर रहा था। तभी साथ वाले मुसाफिर ने बीडी जलाई और धुऑ ताऊ की ओर छोड दिया। ताऊ कुछ नही बोला।

अचानक खिडकी की ओर से आई तेज हवा से बीडी एक चिनगारी निकली और ताऊ की नयी कमीज जल गयी। ताऊ फिर भी कुछ नही बोला।

यह देखकर उस आदमी को शरम आ गयी। उसने सोचा कि ताऊ बहुत शरीफ है। माफी माँगने के अंदाज मे उसने ताऊ से पूछा- किस गाँव के हो ताऊ?

ताऊ बोला- अब गाँव भी फूकेगा के?


पत्नी: मैं कितनी अच्छी लगती हूँ?

पति: बहुत ही ज्यादा!

पत्नी: कितनी?

पति: इतनी की दिल चाहता है तुम्हारी जैसी 2-3 और ले आऊ.



Ekta Kapoor has bought rights of Indrani Mukherjea’s story for Rs.1,00,00,00,000 for her new 5000-episode serial.

The serial will be called: Kahani Konfusion Ki!


पंजाबी पत्नी : मैं कहिया सुनदे ओ कल तुहाडे साले दी शादी है, तुसी की पाऊंगे?

पंजाबी पति : दारु पी के कलेश.



Santa Singh is roaming around in Toronto. As he is about to leave for his home in Mississauga, he manages to get a ride from a blonde woman.

Santa Singh: `What is the name of your car?’

Blonde: `I forgot the name, but it starts with T.’

Santa Singh: `It is the first time I have heard that a car starts with tea. All the cars start with gas.’


पती और पत्नी

पत्नी: तुमने शादी से पहले क्यू नही
बताया के तुम्हारी रानी नाम की
एक और पत्नी भी है?

पती:  बताया तो था तुम्हे
रानी की तरह रखूँगा



मनमोहन सिंह सब्जी खरीदने गए।

मनमोहन सिंह: भिन्डि क्या भाव है?

सब्जीवाला : अब रुलाएगा क्या? मुफ्त में ले जा, पहली बार आवाज सुनी है तेरी।


राहुल गांधी सब्जी खरीदने गए|

राहुल गांधी : भिन्डी क्या भाव है?
सब्जी वाला : अब रूलाएगा क्या? मुफ्त मे ले जा| ये भिन्डी नही मटर है


सोनिया गांधी सब्जी खरीदने गई |

सोनिया : ये बिंदी कितने के है?
सब्जी वाला : अब रूलाएगी क्या ? मुफ्त मे ले जा बस और अगली बार याद रखियों में सब्जी बेचता हूँ सिंगार का सामान नहीं।


नरेंद्र मोदी सब्ज़ी खरीदने गए।

नरेंद्र मोदी: भिन्डि क्या भाव है?

सब्जीवाला : अब रुलाएगा क्या ? मुफ्त में ले जा, इलेक्शन क बाद पहली बार इंडिया में दिखा है।



Wife: Darling today is our anniversary, what should we do?

Husband: Let us stand in silence for 2 minutes.



A Toronto blonde and her boyfriend go to a movie.

Blonde: `Can I have two tickets please?’

Clerk at sales counter asks her: `For Romeo and Juliet?

Blonde: `No, for my boyfriend and me.’



A girl goes for a job interview in New Delhi on August 3.

Interviewer: What is your name?

Girl: Ima.

Interviewer: But your online application entry says Pornima?

Girl: I had applied before the ban (on porn by the Indian government on Aug 1).



A man once asked God: “Why are all girls so sweet, and why are all wives so horrible?’’

God replied, “Because girls are made by me…and wives by you.’’

God rocks, man shocked.



Boy: Bus aur ladki ek jaisi hoti hain,
 ek chali jaati hai aur doosri aa jati hai.

Girl: Rickshe aur ladke ek hee jaise hotai hain,
  ek ko bulao chaar chale aate hain.



A boy goes to see a cabaret dance.

When he returns home, his mom is furious with him.

Mom to the boy: “Why did you go to the cabaret?”

Boy: “Ummm…”

Mom: “Did you see anything there, that you were not supposed to see.”

Boy: “Yes, I saw dad…”



Wife : U had lunch?
Husband : ( in a fun mood ) U had lunch?
Wife : I’m asking u.
Husband : I’m asking u.
Wife : R u copying me ?
Husband : R u copying me ?

Wife : OK, then. Let’s go shopping.
Husband: No, no. I have to have my lunch yet.


पापा पापा

पापा : बेटा तुम्हारे रिजल्ट का क्या हुआ?
पप्पू : पापा 80% आये हैं।
पापा : पर मार्कशीट पर तो 40%लिखा है?
पप्पू : बाकी आधार कार्ड लिंक होने पर अकाउंट में 40% सब्सिडी में आएंगे।


शराबे पीने वाले की पत्नी

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने शराब के दाम दुगुने करने का ऐलान

आधा पैसा शराबे पीने वाले की पत्नी के अकाउंट में सब्सिडी के तौर पर दिया जाएगा जिससे दो फायदे होंगे:

1: पत्नियाँ पति को शराब पीने के लिए मना नहीं करेंगी
2: जिनकी पत्नी का अकाउंट नहीं खुला वो भी खुल जाएगा

नई सोच को सलाम



Santa is madly in love with Sweetie.

One day he proposes to her, saying, “My sweatheart Sweetie, I want to marry you. I cannot live without you.”

Sweetie says, “My parents will object because I am two years older than you. So it is not possible.”

Santa is crestfallen for a while.

But then suddenly he jumps up with joy and tells Sweetie, “OK, OK, I have found a solution to our marriage. I will wait for two years till I get older.”



Getting married is very much like going to a restaurant with friends.

You order what you want. Then when you see what the other person’s got, you wish you’d ordered that.



A newly married wife was very fond of sending message after message to her husband.

Her husband said, “Please keep the messages very, very short. It is an sms age.”

The wife said, “OK, darling. I promise to keep my messages very short.”

And the very next minute, she sent this message to her husband: “It was just said on the news that they found a hideous corpse with a hollow head, a cigar among ugly rotten teeth and a bottle of liquor in his hand. I’m worried about you!. Please, give me a ring…”



A man got his lips burnt. A friend asked “How it happened?”

He replied, “Biwi ko maayke jaanay ke liye Railway Station chhodnay gayaa thaa, Khushi Khushi mein Rail Engine ko choom dala. (I went to the railway station to see off my wife going to her parents. Excited to see her go away, I kissed the hot railway engine).


हिंदी मुहावरों का सरल भाषा में ज्ञान

1. आ बैल मुझे मार = पत्नी से पंगा लेना।

2. दीवार से सिर फोड़ना = पत्नी को कुछ समझाना।

3. चार दिन की चांदनी फिर अंधेरी रात = पत्नी का मायके से वापस आना।

4. आत्महत्या के लिए उकसाना = शादी की राय देना।

5. दुश्मनी निभाना = दोस्तों की शादी करवाना।

6. खुद का स्वार्थ देखना = शादी ना करना।

7. ओखली में सिर देना = शादी के लिए हां करना।

8. दो पाटों में पिसना = दूसरी शादी करना।

9. खुद को लुटते हुऐ देखना = पत्नी को पर्स से पैसे निकालते हुए देखना।

10. पैरों तले जमीन खिसकना = पत्नी का अचानक साक्षात सामने आना।

11. सिर मुंडाते ही ओले पड़ना = परीक्षा में फेल होते ही शादी हो जाना।

12. शादी के लिए हां करना = स्वेच्छा से जेल जाना।

13. साली आधी घर वाली = वह स्कीम जो दूल्हे को बताई जाती है लेकिन दी नहीं जाती।



Two Indian women boarded a bus and they got into a fight over a seat.

Bus conductor tried to stop their but they won’t.

Then the conductor said:  `The older one can sit…’

The women looked at each other and the seat remained empty.


कुत्ता और नेता

एक कुत्ता मंदिर के पास चबूतरे पर बैठा रहता था,
मंदिर में लोगों को पूजा करते देख
कुत्ता भी भगवान की भक्ति करने लगा।
भगवान कुत्ते की भक्ति से प्रसन्न हुए और बोले – मांगो तुम्हें क्या चाहिए ?
कुत्ता – प्रभु मुझे अगले जन्म में कुत्ता ही बनाना ।
भगवान – हम तुम्हें दो बार कुत्ता नहीं बना सकते कुछ और मांगो।
कुत्ता – तो प्रभु मुझे अगले जन्म में नेता बना देना।
भगवान – चालाकी नहीं ! कहा ना कि दो बार कुत्ता नहीं बना सकते !



An economist was forcefully arguing in favour of having two wives for two reasons:

1. Monopoly should be broken.

2. Competition improves the quality of service.

If you have one wife, she will fight with you.

If you have two wives, they will fight for you.



एक बार एक DC, SP और एक Teacher बैठे बातें कर रहे थे।

DC : हम तो इलाके के मालिक होते हैं। जिससे जो मर्ज़ी करवा लें।

SP: हम जिसे चाहे अंदर करके ठोक दें। हमारा भी बड़ा रौब होता है।

Teacher: हमारा तो जी कोई रौब नहीं होता। सारा दिन बच्चों को मुर्गा बना के कूटते हैं। आगे सालों की मर्ज़ी, DC बने या SP.



How do you express two words, with exactly the opposite meanings, in a single sentence?

Any guesses?




“मैंने शादी क्यों की ?

A teacher asked his students: `मैंने शादी क्यों की? विषय पर निबंध लिखो.’

The best one-line  answer by a student was this: मति मारी गई थी …

And he got 20 marks out of 20.



A man goes to his doctor who is also a psychiatrist:

Doc: Do you consume alcohol?
Man: No.
Doc: Do you smoke?
Man: No.
Doc: Do you use drugs?
Man: No.
Doc: Do you play cards?
Man: No.
Doc: Do you run after other women?
Man: No.
Doc: So why did you come to me?
Man: I have one little problem – I always lie.



Wife:- सुनो ये “हेप्पीनेस” की स्पेलींग क्या है?

Husband:- U.N.M.A.R.R.I.E.D



Santa and Banta are talking about their girlfriends.

Santa to Banta: You have had many girlfriends over the years. What do you think they are like?

Banta: Girlfriends are like blue denim jeans.

Santa: Why?

Banta: They are good for a while, they eventually fade and have to be replaced by new ones.



Because of their non-stop fights over trivial matters, a man and his wife decide for a divorce.

They go to court, but they have the problem about their children’s custody.

First, the wife stands up and tells the judge that since she brought the children into this world and then raised them, she must get their custody..

The judge then asks the husband about his stand. He says, “Your Honour, I have a question. When I put a dollar in a vending machine and a Coke comes out, does the Coke belong to me or the machine?”


Having made some money, Santa decided to start his own business store. He put a notice outside the store for jobs available in his store.

The notice said that only married men should apply.
A woman came to apply for the job. But when she read the notice, she protested, asking Santa: “Why are you hiring only married men?’’

Santa said, “Because married men are more obedient.”



A man and a woman are a newly married couple.

One day man comes back home from work and finds his wife very excited.

He asks her: “Why are you so excited, darling?”

Wife: “I have a great news for you.”

Husband: “What’s that great news?”

Wife: “We will become three very soon.”

Husband: “Oh, my God, I am so, so happy, my darling.”

Wife: “I too am so so happy that my mother is moving in with us very soon.”



Santa is busy in his workshop.

A man rushes to him and says, “Look, your friend is kissing your wife in your home.”

Santa rushes home and comes back within 10 minutes, looking very angry.

He slaps the man and says, “He’s not my friend.”



It is lunch time for the blonde boss.

Her assistant asks her if she would like her pizza cut into six pieces or twelve.

Blonde says, “Yes, yes, six please. I could never eat twelve!”



Jeeto and Preeto of Brampton are talking about their mothers on Mother’s Day.

Jeeto:  How nice if only women ruled the world. Because women are tender and kindhearted, so there won’t be any wars in the world.

Preeto: Yeah, true. But then there will be so many angry countries not talking to each other.



Santa and Banta fly to Egypt to visit the Pyramids.

They are looking at an Egyptian mummy.

Santa: Look, it has so many bandages!

Banta: Must have been a pukka road accident.

Santa:  You are right because the lorry number is also written…BC 3000!



A Gujarati businessman in America Mr H.K. Patel is racing his Mercedes car to the airport to catch a flight to London.

But there is a big traffic jam before the airport parking lot and it will take hours to clear. The Gujju businessman is worried that he will miss his flight.

So he does some quick thinking and turns his car back to drive to a nearby bank.  He goes to the bank counter and tells the bank manager that he needs a $3,000 loan as he doesn’t have much cash on him.

The bank manager checks his credit rating and okays the amount. But he wants some guarantee for the loan.

The Gujju says he has car which the bank can keep till he gives back the loan.

The bank manager orders his staff  to take possession of Patel’s Mercedes and park it in the bank’s underground lot.

The Gujju takes the loan, runs to the airport and catches his flight that he would have missed because of the parking lot traffic jam.

A week days later, Patel returns, gives back the bank’s money with a $40 interest, and takes his Mercedes back.

The bank manager says, “So nice of you to have returned the money so quickly.”

The Gujju says, “Who would have allowed me to park my car for $40 for a week at the airport?”

And Mr Patel drives away.



Here is an idea for  people who are making IQ jokes about Rahul Gandhi and Alia Bhatt.

The idea: Inn dono ki shaadi karaa do.



Q: Why can’t a blonde dial 911?

A: Because she can’t find the number eleven on the phone.



Santa Singh lands in Canada. He gets the invitation for interview for a job.

Interviewer: Where were you born?
Santa Singh: India.
Interviewer: Which part?
Santa Singh: What ‘which part’? Whole body was born in India.



In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens.
In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens.
In the third year, they both speak and the neighbors listen.



Q: What’s the difference between a new husband and a new dog?

A: After a year, the dog is still excited to see you!



A young lady came home from a date, looking rather sad.

She told her mother, “Jeff proposed to me an hour ago.”

“So, why are you so sad?” her mother asked.

The daughter said, “Because he also told me he was an atheist. Mom, he doesn’t even believe there’s a hell.”

Her mother replied, “Marry him anyway. Between the two of us, we’ll show him how wrong he is.”



A man went to the doctor complaining of insomnia.

The doctor gave him a thorough examination, found absolutely nothing physically wrong with him, and then told him, “Listen, if you ever expect to cure your insomnia, you just have to stop taking your trouble to bed with you.”

“I know,” said the man, “but I can’t. My wife refuses to sleep alone.”



Santa Singh goes to New York and visits a bar.

The man on Santa’s right orders a drink, ‘Johnnie Walker, single.’

The man on Santa’s left says, ‘Jack Daniels, single.’

Santa orders, ‘Santa Singh, married.’



Interviewer: Do you think you can handle a variety of work?

Candidate: Yes I think so, I have worked in 10 different places in the last 3 months.



A Pakistani guy, an Indian guy, a beautiful girl and an old woman are sitting in a train. The train suddenly goes though a tunnel and it gets completely dark. Suddenly there is a kissing sound and then a slap! The train comes out of the tunnel.

The old woman, beautiful girl and the Indian guy are sitting there looking perplexed. The Pakistani guy is bent over holding his face, which is red from an apparent slap.

The old woman is thinking that the Pakistani guy must have tried to kiss that girl and got slapped.

The Pakistani guy is thinking: “Damn it, that Indian guy must have tried to kiss the beautiful girl, she thought it was me and slapped me instead.”

The beautiful girl is thinking: “That Pakistani guy must have moved to kiss me, but kissed the old lady instead and got slapped.”

The Indian is thinking: “If this train goes through another tunnel, I could make another kissing sound and slap that Pakistani guy again.”



A blonde asked a man what time it was. He said: `It’s 4:45.’
The blonde, with a puzzled look on her face, replied, “You know, it’s the weirdest thing, I have been asking that question all day, and each time I get a different answer.’’



Women are like telephones.

They love to be held.

They love to be talked to.

But, if you press the wrong button, you’re disconnected.



BJP MP Sadhvi Prachi has set off frantic search for the Indian ancestry of all world leaders by telling us that Russian president Vladmir Putin is a Hindu and his real name is Vaarahmihir Putr Singh. This quick search has yielded that the leaders of all the major countries actually have Indian ancestry. Here are their real Indian names:

Vladimir Putin – Vaarahmihir Putr Singh

Barack Obama – Balkar Om-Rama

Stephen Harper – Satveer Haripur

Angela Merkel – Anu-Leela Meharkala

David Cameron – Dravid Kumaran

Xi Jinping – Shingari Singh



A blonde has sharp pains in her side, so she goes to the hospital.

The doctor examines her and says, “You have acute appendicitis.”

The blonde says, “That’s sweet, doc, but I came here to get medical help.”



Santa: You know, our new neighbour woman belongs to Aam Aadmi.

Banta: How do you know?

Santa: Today morning I waved at her and she showed me a “Jhaadu”..



Three women were trapped on an island. They needed to get across the water to the mainland. They came across a genie who said, “I will grant you ladies three wishes.” The first woman said, “Turn me into a fish” and she swam across the water to the other island. The second woman said, “Give me a boat” and she rowed to the other side. The third woman said, “Turn me into a man” and she walked across the bridge.



Wife: “How would you describe me?”


Wife: “What does that mean?”

Husband: “Adorable, beautiful, cute, delightful, elegant, fashionable, gorgeous, and hot.”

Wife: “Aw, thank you, but what about IJK?”

Husband: “I’m just kidding!”



Santa wants to buy a computer to reduce his workload. He goes to a Best Buy store, and impressed by one computer he asks  his salesman friend Banta about its specifications.

Banta: This computer will
 cut your workload by 50%.

Santa: OK, that is great. 
I will take two of them.



After their long New Year party, a husband and his wife are having a fight over a domestic issue.

Wife shouts “You tell a man something, it goes in one ear and comes out
of the other.”

Husband retorts: “You tell a woman something: It goes in both ears and comes out of the mouth.”



Santa buys a new radio set from a shop. But next day he returns to the shop and says to the shopkeeper angrily: “You have cheated me.’’

Shopkeeper: “How come? I sold you a brand-new radio. What is the problem?’’

Santa: “The radio label shows this is Made in Japan but the radio says this is All India Radio.’’



A man went to the doctor complaining of insomnia. The doctor gave him a thorough examination but found

absolutely nothing physically wrong with him.

The doctor told him, “Listen, if you ever expect to cure your

insomnia, you just have to stop taking your trouble to bed with you.”

The man replied, “I know, but I can’t. My wife refuses to sleep alone.”



A patient needed brain transplant. Since it was going to be a costly affair, a relative of the patient asked the doctor about the price of the new brain.

The doctor said, “A female brain will cost $50,000 and a male brain will cost $100,000.”

The relatives of the patient was a little shocked, and he asked the doctor why there was a huge difference in price.

The doctor said, “The female brain is cheaper because it has been over used.’’



Why do couples hold hands during their wedding day?

Simple, it is just a formality like two boxers shaking hands before the fight begins!



Teacher is asking questions from students in a class.
He asks Santa: `What’s Ford?’
Santa Singh: Car.
Teacher: What’s Oxford?
Santa Singh: So simple, a car driven by ox!



एक आदमी कॉकरोच को मार रहा था।

मरने से पहले कॉकरोच ने आदमी से आखिरी बार बोला: ‘मार दे मुझे..!
डरपोक कहीं के.!
तू मुझसे इसलिए चिढ़ता है…
क्योंकि तेरी बीवी मुझसे डरती है
और तुझसे नहीं!



बीवियाँ मनमोहन सिंह बना देती है.
वरना पैदा तो सभी मोदी ही होते है ..



At the cocktail party, two women were busy gossiping.

Suddenly, one of them saw that the other woman was wearing her wedding ring on the wrong finger.

Surprised, she asked her: “Aren’t you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?”

The other woman replied, “Yes I am, because I married the wrong man.”



सोनिया गाँधी उस बक्त फूट फूट कर रोने लगी ,,,

जब राहुल गाँधी ने पुछा–जो राकेट इसरो ने मंगल पे छोड़ा है …अब उसकी बोतल किसके पास है ?



A man goes into a library and asks for a book on suicide.

The librarian says, “Fuck off, you won’t bring it back.”



Once Santa Singh called Banta Singh for a hearty lunch.

Banta Singh arrived promptly on time and was surprised to see the door locked.

Then he saw a note which said,”Kaise ullu banaya (Look, how I made fool of you)!”

Banta Singh was terribly furious, therefore thinking himself to be smart stuck a note saying, ”Main to aya hi nahein (I didn’t show up here at all).”



An American and his wife are celebrating the golden jubilee of their marriage. They have 10 children and 20 grandchildren.
When a friend asked them the secret of their successful marriage when more than 50 percent marriages in America end in divorce, the wife said, “Our pre-nup agreement was that the first one to pack up and leave has to take all the kids.”



भारतीय पति की हालत बिल्कुल कॉमेडी नाइट्स विद कपिल के दर्शको के जैसी होती है—–
. सवाल पूछने पर बेईज्ज़ती होती है.
.-और फिर मुस्कारना भी पड़ता है .



Aishwarya’s daughter Araddhya goes to play school. The teacher asks her: Who is your grandfather?

Araddhya: Big B.

Teacher: Who is your mother?
Araddhya: Miss World.
Teacher: Who is your father?
Araddhya: No Idea sir ji.




Soon after his marriage, a woman’s husband stopped wearing his wedding ring.

The wife asked him, “Why have you stopped wearing your wedding ring?”

The husband replied, “It is painful and chokes my circulation.”

The wife shouted back, “It’s supposed to!”



Getting cozy with her husband, the wife asked him, “What do you like most about me, honey? My pretty face or my sexy figure?”

The husband looked at her from head to toe and said, “I like your sense of humour!”



Santa says to Banta: My wife and I make a wonderful couple. My wife is madly in love with me. I kiss her everyday before leaving for office. What about you?

Banta replies: Me too, after you leave for office.



Girl : Swami ji .. mujhe future dekhna sikha do, please!
Swami : Aankhein bandd karo…
Girl : Nahi, nahi.. aap mujhe kiss karoge…
Swami : Le dikha diya na future aap ko!



Sensing trouble in his married life, a husband went to a marriage counselor and said, “When we were first married, I would come home from the office, my wife would bring my slippers and our cute little dog would run around barking. Now after ten years, it’s all different. I come home, the dog brings the slippers and my wife runs around barking.”

The counselor replied, “So, why are you complaining ? You’re still getting the same service.”



There was a blonde woman driving down the center of the road at the tearing speed of 100 mph.
A police officer pulled her over and asked, “License and Registration, please.”
The blonde said coolly, “It’s okay, Officer, I have a special license to drive at a tearing speed of 100mph.”
The police officer said, “No, no, that’s impossible! I’ve never heard of such a license.”
The blonde pulled her license from her bag and handed it to him.
The police officer said, “This is an ordinary license, I see nothing here that would allow you to drive at such a tearing speed of 100 mph.’’
The blonde pointed to the bottom of the license and said, “Can you see this? It reads: `Tear Along The Dotted Line’.’’



Who came first – the chicken or the egg?

Santa and Banta found answer to this 
most difficult question which no one has ever answered.

Santa to Banta: What comes first the chicken or the egg ?

Banta to Santa: O yaar, jiska order pehle doge, vo ayega !



Doctor- Aapki bimari ki exact wajah meri samajh me nahi aa rahi. Ho sakta hai daaru peene ki wajah se aisa ho raha ho..!!

Patient- Koi baat nahi Dr Saahab, jab aapki utar jaayegi to main dobara aa jaaunga check up ke liye



One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut. 
After the cut, he asked about his bill, and the barber replied, ‘I cannot accept money from you, I’m doing community service this week.
The florist was pleased and left the shop.
When the barber went to open his shop the next morning, there was a ‘Thank You’ card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.
Later, a grocer comes in for a haircut, and when he tried to pay his bill, the barber again replied, ‘I cannot accept money from you , I’m doing community service this week.
The grocer was happy and left the shop.
The next morning when the barber went to open up, there was a ‘Thank You’ card and a bag of fresh vegetables waiting for him at his door.
Then a politician came in for a haircut, and when he went to pay his bill, the barber again replied, ‘I cannot accept money from you. I’m doing community service this week.
The politician was very happy and left the shop.
The next morning, when the barber went to open up, 
there were a dozen politicians lined up waiting for a free haircut.
And that, my friends, illustrates the fundamental difference between the citizens of our country and the politicians who run it.



Santa Singh, who had three children, wanted to divorce his wife.

So he went to the court to file for divorce.

Judge: Santa Singh, you have 3 kids.
How will you and your wife divide them?

Santa Singh thought hard and then told the judge: “Oye.. good idea, We’ll come next year with 1 more.”



With a very seductive voice, the wife asked her husband, “Have you ever seen Twenty Dollars all crumpled up?”

“No,” said her husband.

She gave him a sexy little smile, unbuttoned the top 3 or 4 buttons of her blouse and pulled out a crumpled Twenty Dollar bill.

He took the crumpled Twenty Dollar bill from her & smiled approvingly.

She then asked him, “Have you ever seen Fifty Dollars all crumpled up?”

“Uh… no, I haven’t,” he said, with an anxious tone in his voice.

She gave him another sexy little smile, pulled up her skirt and pulled out a crumpled Fifty Dollar bill.

He took the crumpled Fifty Dollar bill & started breathing a little quicker with anticipation.

“Now,” she said, “have you ever seen $50,000 Dollars all crumpled up?”

“No!” he said, while obviously becoming even more aroused & excited, …..

“Check the garage.”

funny jokes



I had lunch with 2 of my unmarried friends. One is engaged, one is a mistress, and I have been married for 5+ years.We were chatting about our relationships and decided to amaze our men by greeting them at the door wearing a black bra, stiletto heels and a mask over our eyes.We agreed to meet in a few days to exchange notes.

Here’s how it all went.

My engaged friend shared her experience like this:  The other night when my boyfriend came over he found me with a black leather bodice, tall stilettos and a mask.He saw me and said, ‘You are the woman of my dreams.. I love you..’ Then we made passionate love all night long.

The mistress said: Me too! The other night I met my lover at his office and I was wearing a raincoat, under it only the black bra, heels and mask over my eyes.. When I opened the raincoat he didn’t say a word, but he started to tremble and we had wild sex all night.

Then I, a married woman, had to share my story: When my husband came home I was wearing the black bra, black stockings, stilettos and a mask over my eyes.

When he came in the door and saw me, he said: ‘What’s for dinner, Batman?’

A bartender is sitting behind the bar on a typical day, when the door bursts open and in come four exuberant blondes. They come up to the bar, order five bottles of champagne and ten glasses, take their order over and sit down at a large table. The corks are popped, the glasses are filled and they begin toasting and chanting, “51 days, 51 days, 51 days!”
Soon, three more blondes arrive, take up their drinks and the chanting grows… “51 days, 51 days, 51 days!” Two more blondes show up and soon their voices are joined in “51 days, 51 days, 51 days!”
Finally, the tenth blonde comes in with a picture under her arm. She walks over to the table, sets the picture in the middle and the table erupts. Up jump the others, they begin dancing around the table, exchanging high-fives, all the while chanting “51 days, 51 days, 51 days!”
The bartender can’t contain his curiosity any longer, so he walks over to the table. There in the center is a beautifully framed child’s puzzle of the Cookie Monster.
When the frenzy dies down a little bit, the bartender asks one of the blondes, “What’s all the chanting and celebration about?” The blonde who brought in the picture pipes in, “Everyone thinks that blondes are dumb and they make fun of us. So, we decided to set the record straight.
“Ten of us got together, bought that puzzle and put it together….the side of the box said 2-4 years, but we put it together in 51 days!”
Read Less
सीनियर सिटिजन की नई कार
एक सीनियर सिटिजन अपनी नई कार 100 की स्पीड में चला रहे थे।रियर व्यु मिरर में उन्होंने देखा कि पुलिस की एक गाडी उनके पीछे लगी हुई है।उन्होंने कार की स्पीड और बढ़ा दी। 140 फिर 150 और फिर 170……….अचानक उन्हें याद आया कि इन हरकतों के लिहाज से वे बहुत बूढ़े हो चुके हैं और ऐंसी हरकतें उन्हें शोभा नहीं देतीं।उन्होंने सड़क के किनारे कार रोक दी और पुलिस का इन्तजार करने लगे।

पुलिस की गाडी करीब आकर रुकी और उसमे से इंस्पेक्टर निकलकर बुजुर्ग महाशय के पास आया।
उसने अपनी घडी में समय देखा और बुजुर्ग से बोला—” सर, मेरी शिफ्ट ख़त्म होने में मात्र 10 मिनिट बाकी हैं। आज शुक्रवार है और शनिवार, रविवार मेरा अवकाश है। इतनी स्पीड से कार चलाने का अगर आप मूझे कोइ ऐंसा कारण बता सके जो मैंने आज तक नहीं सुना हो तो मैं आप को छोड़ दूंगा। “
बुजुर्ग ने बहुत गंभीर होकर इन्स्पेक्टर की तरफ देखा और कहा—” बहुत साल पहले मेरी बीवी एक पुलिसवाले के साथ भाग गयी थी। मैंने सोचा कि तुम उसे लौटाने आ रहे हो इसलिए……………….”इन्स्पेक्टर वहाँ से जाते हुए बोला—” हेव ए गुड डे, सर। “



Question: Which state in India has the highest English-speaking population?

The answer is below:

Before 8 pm – Kerala
After 8 pm –  Punjab



Here is the role of various Hindu gods in the IT world.

Brahma: “System installer”

Vishnu: “System operator”

Shiva: “System programmer”

Narad: “Data Transmitter”

Yama: “Deleter”

Apsara & Rambha: “Virus”

Ganapati: “Anti virus”

Hanuman: “E-Mail”

Chitragupta: “Hard Disc”

Saraswati: “Google”

Parvati: “Mother Board”

Lakshmi: “ATM”



After massive demands from all husbands……….

A new app called ‘Panic’ is being launched for smart phones.

You just say ‘Wife’ and it closes all websites, hides all chats, hide all special folders and puts your wife’s photograph as a wallpaper.


 शेर की शादी

एक बार जंगल में शेर की शादी हो रही थी।
सभी जानवर शादी में इन्वाइटेड थे।
सभी जाकर शेर को विश कर रहे थे, लेकिन स्टेज के नीचे खड़े रहकर दूर से ही।
थोड़ी देर बाद चूहा आया और स्टेज पर चढ़कर शेर से हाथ मिलाकर उसे विश करने लगा…
शेर दहाड़ते हुए चूहे से बोला: तुम्हारी हिम्मत कैसे हुई मुझे स्टेज पर आकर विश करने की? सब मुझसे डरते हैं! यहां तक कि चीते ने भी मुझे स्टेज के नीचे खड़े रहकर ही विश किया। तुम स्टेज पर कैसे आ गए??
चूहा: ओ बस कर यार, शादी से पहले मैं भी शेर ही था!



Blonde: `What does IDK stand for?
Brunette: `I don’t know.’
Blonde: `OMG, nobody knows.’


मुर्गी की शादी
एक मुर्गी ने बाज़ से शादी कर ली. शादी के बाद एक मुर्गे ने मुर्गी से कहा : “हम क्या मर गए थे जो तूने इस बाज़ से शादी कर ली ?” मुर्गी बोली: “शादी तो मैं तुमसे ही करना चाहती थी पर पिताजी की जिद थी कि लड़का एयरफोर्स में हो … !”



An 85-year-old virgin lady while dying wanted these words written on her grave:

“Born Virgin, Lived Virgin, Died Virgin.”

The sculptor shortened it to:




Rakesh was worried that his wife was having a hearing problem and he thought she might need a hearing aid.

Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family doctor to discuss the problem. The doctor told him there is a simple informal test the husband could perform to give the doctor a better idea about her hearing loss.

“Here’s what you do,”
said the doctor,
”stand about 40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if she hears you.
 If not, go to 30 feet,
 then 20 feet,
and so on until you get a response from her.”

That evening,
 his wife was in the kitchen cooking dinner,
 and Rakesh thought of testing the same. 
He says to himself,
 “I’m about 40 feet away, let’s see what happens.?”

Then in a normal tone he asks,
”Honey, what’s for dinner?”
No response….

So he moves closer to the kitchen,
 about 30 feet from his wife and repeats,
”Honey, what’s for dinner?”
Still No response…

Next he moves to the dining room where he is about 20 feet from his wife and asks,
”Honey, what’s for dinner?”
Again he gets no response…

So, he walks up to the kitchen door,
 about 10 feet away from her, and asks, “Honey, what’s for dinner?”
Again there is no response….

So he walks right up behind her and asks,
”Honey, what’s for dinner?”

And wife shouts: “For God’s sake Rakesh,
 its the FIFTH time I am telling you, 



Teacher is in the middle of testing whether his students have done their home work.

He calls Lalu and asks him to complete this sentence: 
”Early to bed and early to rise…”

Lalu: “This man has no interest in his wife.”



A joke on Twitter about the summit of leaders of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa):

Reporter: How has BRICS progressed?
Putin: асххе дин айне шале найн
Reporter: What?
Translator: Achhe din aane waale hain



Wife: Give me your cellphone for a second.

Husband: Wait, let me switch it on.
Delete video.
Delete picture.
Delete music.
Delete private folder.
Delete number.
Delete sms.
Delete out goin calls.
Delete incomin calls.
Delete mms.
Delete what’s app.
Delete bbm.
FORMAT Memory Card.

Husband: Here u go I have nothing to hide from u!!

Wife: I just wanted to see the time…

Husband: Pagal aurat time puchh bhi to sakti thi.



Guide: I welcome you all to
Niagara Falls.
These are the world’s largest
waterfalls and the sound intensity
of the waterfall is so high, even
20 supersonic planes passing by
can’t be heard.
Now I request
the indian ladies to keep quiet
so that we can hear the Niagara



A blonde buys an iPad and takes it home. Next day, she tells her brunette friend about her purchase.

The brunette asks the blonde: Do you like the iPad?
Blonde: Yes, but I can’t use it.
Brunette: Why not?
Blonde: I couldn’t find the buttons.



एक आदमी झूठ बोलने की वजह से
काफी मशहूर हो गया ..
एक दिन वह किसी दूसरे शहर मे चला गया …

एक अस्सी साल की बूढ़ी औरत को
पता चल गया तो डरती हुई आयी
और बोली :- बेटा तुम ही दुनिया के सबसे झूठे व्याक्ति हो ना …..
आदमी बोला :- लोगो की बात को
दफा करो , …..
मै तो आपको देखकर हैरान रह गया
कि इस उम्र मे
ये हुस्न
ये रंग
और ये दिलकशी…
बूढी औरत :- (शरमाती हुई )
या अल्लाह ! लोग भी कितने जालिम है !
अच्छे भले सच्चे इन्सान को
झूठा कहते है ….!!



स्वर्ग के दरवाजे पर दस्तक हुई तो धर्मराज ने जाकर दरवाजा खोला । उन्होंने बाहर झाँका तो एक मानव को सामने खड़ा पाया । धर्मराज ने कुछ बोलने के लिए मुंह खोला ही था की वो एकाएक गायब हो गया । धर्मराज ने कंधे उचकाए और फाटक बंद कर लिया ।
तकाल फिर दस्तक हुई ।
उन्होंने फिर दरवाजा खोला, उसी मानव को फिर सामने मौजूद पाया, लेकिन वो फिर गायब हो गया।
ऐसा तीन चार बार हुआ तो धर्मराज धीरज खो बैठे
वो बोले – क्या बात है भाई, पंगा ले रहा है ?
मानव बोला – अरे नहीं बॉस, दरअसल मैं वेंटीलेटर पर हूँ …..



Santa Singh’s class teacher was testing their knowledge of chemistry.

The teacher asked him to get up and explain the formula of water.

Santa Singh said: HIJKLMNO

The teacher shouted: `You are wrong!’

Santa Singh replied: `But, sir, you told me it’s H2O!’



An old man was on the operating table awaiting surgery and he insisted that his son-in-law, a renowned surgeon, should perform the operation.

As he was about to get the anesthesia, the old man asked to speak to his son-in-law.

“Yes, dad, what is it?” asked the son-in-law.

The old man replied, “Don’t be nervous; do your best and just remember, if it doesn’t go well if something happens to me, your mother-in-law is going to come and live with you.”

The surgery was a great success.



Ex-girlfriend ki shaadi ka card mila.

Thodi takleef to hui.  Phir socha jayenge zaroor.

Mohabbat apni jagah hai

aur butter chicken apni jagah.



Narendra Modi and Arvind Kejriwal bump into each other in Varanasi after the hectic poll campaign.

Modi asks Kejriwal: `Is baar sarkar kis ki ban rahi hai?’

Kejriwal replies: `Aap ki, sir.’

Modi responds: `Thank you.’



A Sardarji doctor and a Panditji were in love with the same girl.

Panditji started giving an apple to the girl everyday.

Sardarji doctor got angry and asked Panditji why he was giving apple to the girl everyday.

Panditji said: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!’’



Santa Singh was walking on the road and paused to read the graffiti on the wall.

It read “Padne waala gadha.”(one who reads it is an ass).

Santa Singh thought for an hour, erased it and wrote back,”Likhne waala gadha.”(One who wrote it is an ass).



Below is the sign outside an AIR INDIA plane:

`Welcome aboard to our Warm & Motherly hospitality.’

Warm because AC is not working and motherly because all air hostess are above 50!



Ladki: Mujhe koi aisi sabzi do jiske 7 faayde hon !

Sabzi wala: Ye Lo madam Gajar !!

1: Pasand aaye to Aloo Matar ke saath paka lena… 
Warna ..

2: Juice bana ke pe sakti ho… 
Nahi to ..

3: Salad bana sakti ho… 
Ye bhi na karo to ..

4: Gajrela bana lena…
Nahi to ..

5: Chinese noodles mein daal lena…
Aisa bhi nahi to phir ..

6: Murabba bana sakte ho…
Ye bhi na ho to ..

7: Achaar bana lena !!



Which is the biggest lie ever 
said in a Hindi film?

Zeenat Aman in a bikini 
singing and asking: `Kya Dekhte Ho?’

And Feroz Khan replying: “Surat Tumhari”…



A husband got a taawiz (charm) from BABA to control his wife.

After one month, the husband went back to the Baba.

He said, “BABA, wife par toh koi asar nahi huva, par padosan vash me aa gayi.”

BABA: “Chalo, effect na sahi, side effect toh hua.”



Wives are like TV and girlfriends are like mobile.

With mobile, you can have two-way communication, but with TV there is only one-way talk.

TV is heavy, bulky and stays home for long time. Mobile is small, cute and can be changed any time you wish, but you can’t get rid of TV quickly.

TV costs are low, but mobiles are a high-maintenance thing.

TV is free and around all the time, but mobile is out the moment you don’t pay costs.

You may get bored by watching TV for some time, but you can fiddle with mobile all the time.

TV you can watch only at home, but mobile you can take anywhere you want.



A couple, desperate to conceive a child, went to their priest and asked him to pray for them.

The priest replied, “I’m going on a sabbatical to Rome, and while I’m there, I’ll light a candle for you.”

When the priest returned three years later, he went to the couple’s house and found the wife pregnant, busily attending to two sets of twins.

Elated, the priest asked her where her husband was so that he could congratulate him.

“He’s gone to Rome, to blow that candle out,” replied the harried wife.



A guy was reading his paper when his wife walked up behind him and smacked him on the back of the head with a frying pan.

He asked, “What was that for?”

She said, “I found a piece of paper in your pocket with ‘Betty Sue’ written on it.”

He said, “Jeez, honey, remember last week when I went to the track? ‘Betty Sue’ was the name of the horse I went there to bet on.”

The wife shrugged and walked away. Three days later he’s reading his paper when she walked up behind him and smacked him on the back of the head again with the frying pan.

He asked, “What was that for?”

She answered, “Your horse called.”



A blonde, a brunette and a redhead were atop a 5-storey building when a genie appeared and told them to run to the edge, jump off and name anything they want.

The brunette ran, jumped off and said butterfly.

The redhead ran, jumped off and said eagle.

The blonde ran, tripped over the edge and  said “ah shit!”



“Can you check if my rear blinker works?” a brunette asked her blonde friend.

`Sure,” responded the blonde, heading to the back of the car.

“Ok,” said the brunette pushing the switch, “is it working?”

The blonde replied, “Yes, no, yes, no…”



A blonde and a brunette both jump off a cliff at the same time.

Which one will hit the bottom first? Any guesses?

The brunette, because the blonde has to ask for directions.



Wife woke up her husband in the middle of the night and told him, “Dear, there seems to be a burglar in the house. Wake up.”

But her husband refused to go out and investigate.

Wife: “Why are you scared? I thought you were brave when you married me”

Husband: “Well yes, but that was before the marriage.”



Santa and Banta were sitting on a tree and Santa was singing a song.

After 4 songs Santa hung himself upside down and started singing again.

Banta asked, “Santa, what is the matter with you?Why are you hanging upside down.

Santa replied, “I am singing the B side.”



A husband and his wife were sitting at a table at his high school reunion.

The husband kept staring at a drunken lady swigging her drink as she sat alone at a nearby table.

The wife asked, “Do you know her?”

“Yes,” the husband sighed, “She’s my old girlfriend. I understand she took to
drinking right after we split up those many years ago, and I hear she
hasn’t been sober since.”

“My God!” said the wife, “who would think a person could go on
celebrating that long?”

And a fight began between the husband and the wife….



Santa and Banta went to Mumbai and boarded a double-decker bus.

Because of the rush, Santa somehow managed to get a bottom seat, while Banta got pushed to the top.

After a while when the rush was over, Santa went upstairs to see Banta. He saw Banta looking scared and clutching the seats in front with both hands.

“Why are you so scared ? I was enjoying my ride down there,” Santa said.

Banta replied, “You’ve a driver down there, but what about here?’’



A blonde gets on an plane and sits down in business class. The air hostess rushes over to her and tells her that she must move to economy class because she doesn’t have a first class ticket.

But the blonde replies, “I’m blonde, I’m smart, I have a good job, and I’m staying in business class until we reach Jamaica.”

The disgusted air hostess gets the head air hostess who asks the blonde to leave.

But the blonde again repeats “I’m blonde, I’m smart, I have a good job and I’m staying in business class until we reach Jamaica.”

The head air hostess doesn’t even know what to do at this point because they still have to get the rest of the passengers seated to take off; the blonde is causing a problem with boarding now, so the air hostess gets the co-pilot.

The co-pilot goes up to the blonde and whispers in her ear. She immediately gets up and goes to her seat in the coach section.

The head air hostess asks the co-pilot in amazement what he said to get her to move to her correct seat.

The co-pilot replies, “I told her that the front half of the airplane wasn’t going to Jamaica.”



Banta Singh was in court charged with parking his car in a restricted area.

The judge asked him if he had anything to say in his defence.

“They should not put up such misleading notices, “said Banta Singh.

This notice said, “FINE FOR PARKING HERE.”



What is the first thing a blonde does after a bad car accident?

Turn off the ignition?


Get away from the car in case it explodes?


Call Police, Fire or ambulance on her phone?


Call her insurance broker?


So what is the first thing a blonde does after a bad car accident?
Brush her hair!

funny jokes
Blonde driver.




Mrs Banta Singh was in the habit of having long conversation on the telephone, sometimes going on over an hour.

One day she hung up after 25 minutes.

“What is the matter today? Today you had less than half an hour conversation on the phone,” asked Banta Singh.

Mrs. Banta Singh replied, “Today, I got a wrong number.”



Sam walks into his boss’s office. “Sir, I’ll be straight with you, I know the economy isn’t great, but I have over three companies after me, and I would like to  respectfully ask for a raise.”

After a few minutes of haggling the boss finally agrees to a 5% raise, and Sam happily gets up to leave.

“By the way,” asks the boss as Sam is getting up, “which three companies are after you?”

Sam replied, “The electric company, water company, and phone company.”



Harry was sick and tired of being constantly badgered by his wife Barbara for spending so much time at the bar.

Hoping it would help matters, Harry invited Barbara along with him.

“So what would you like?” Harry cordially asked, as she took her seat next to him.

“Oh I don’t know” Barbara replied, “I guess I’ll take the same thing as you.”

“OK” said Harry to the bartender, “we’ll take two Johnny Walker’s on the rocks!”

Barbara barely took a sip of the drink before she started gagging “Oh my gosh! Get me a cup of water! This stuff is horrible! How do you drink this garbage?”

“See?” said Harry “and you think I come here just to have a good time?!“



Santa was taking money from the ATM.

His friend Banta said: I saw your password, ha ha.

Santa: What is it?

Banta: It is four asteriks (****)

Santa: Ha ha, you are wrong. It is 9425.



Santa Singh wanted to lose weight desperately and so he consulted a doctor.

The doctor told him that if he ran eight kilometers a day for 300 days, he would lose 34 kilos.

Santa followed the doctors advice and at the end of 300 days, he called the doctor to report that he had actually lost the weight, but had a problem.

What’s the problem? asked the doctor.

Santa Singh said: 
I am 2,400 kilometers away from home.



A married couple were asleep when the phone rang at 2 in the morning.

The blonde wife picked up the phone, listened a moment and said, “How should I know, that’s 200 miles from here!” and hung up.

The husband said, “Who was that?”

The wife said, “I don’t know, some woman wanting to know if the coast is clear.”

funny jokes




To all my friends who are committed: Happy Valentine`s Day!

And To all my friends who are single: Happy Independence Day!



Trying to prove that women talk more than men, a husband showed his wife a study
which indicated that men use, on the
average, only 15,000 words a day, whereas
women use 30,000 words a day.

She thought about this for a while and then
told her husband that women use twice as
many words as men because they have to
repeat everything they say.

Looking stunned, the husband said, “What?”



A blonde reported for her university final examination that consists of “yes/no” type questions.

She takes her seat in the examination hall, stares at the questions for five minutes, and then in a fit of inspiration takes her purse out, removes a coin and starts tossing the coin and marking the answer sheet, “Yes” for Heads and “No” for Tails. Within half-an-hour she is all done where as the rest of the class is sweating it out.

During the last few minutes, she is seen desperately throwing the coin, muttering and sweating.

The moderator, alarmed, approaches her and says, “What is going on?”

“I finished the exam in half-an-hour. But I’m rechecking my answers.”



A man has six children and he is very proud of them.

He is so proud of himself that he starts calling his wife `Mother of Six’ in spite of her objections.

One night, they go to party. The decides that it’s time to go home and he wants to find out if his wife is also ready to leave.

He shouts at the top of his wife, saying, “Shall we go home `Mother of Six’?

His wife, irritated by her husband’s lack of discretion, shouts back angrily, “Anytime you’re ready, Father of Four.’’



Santa Singh goes to the library.

He opens the book and then bangs it down, saying, “Too boring, too many characters and no story.’’

LIBRARIAN says : “Oh, oh! Are you the one who took the phone directory away?


My new girlfriend is much better than my ex.

She’s much better than my ex at role-playing.



Atheism is a non-prophet organization.



Santa Singh goes to doctor  and says, “Doctor, I have a problem.”

Doctor asks him, “What’s your problem?”

Santa Singh says, “I keep forgetting things.”

Doctor : “Since when do you have this problem?”

Santa Singh: “What problem?”



Three girls got stranded on an island. One was brunette, one black and the third one a blonde.
After three weeks of starvation, God came down to them  and said, `I will grant you one wish each. Use wisely.’

The brunette said, `I want to go home,’ and poof she was transported home.
The black said, `I want to go home,’ and poof she transported him home.
The blonde said, `I want my friends back.’



A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word.

An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither of them wanted to concede their position.

As they passed a barnyard of mules, goats, and pigs, the husband asked sarcastically, “Relatives of yours?”

“Yep,” the wife replied, “in-laws.”



Two men were in a pub. One says to his mate, “My mother-in-law is an angel.”

His friend replies, “You’re lucky. Mine is still alive.”



I was walking down The Mall with a friend when he turned to me and said, “Seeing all those flags on display makes me so proud of my country.”

“But Chan, you’re Chinese”, I replied. “All those flags are British”.

“No they’re not”, Chan laughed. “Just take a look closely at the labels.”



What did Jay-Z call his girlfriend before they got married?




Santa Singh started shouting in a store……
Where is my free gift with this cooking oil?

Shopkeeper : There is nothing free with this.
Santa Singh: It says CHOLESTEROL FREE.



What is the difference between outlaws and in-laws?

Outlaws are Wanted.



Marriage is a relationship were one person is always right…………and the other is the husband.




20 years ago we had Johnny Cash, Bob Hope and Steve Jobs.

Now we have no Cash, no Hope and no Jobs.

Please don’t let Kevin Bacon die!


“I got a compliment on my driving today,” said a blonde to her friend.

The friend asked what was the compliment.

The blonde said: There was a note left on my windshield that said “parking fine”.


funny jokes
Happy wedding!




funny jokes




Q: What are the two seasons in Canada?

A: Winter and July!



To celebrate their silver anniversary, a couple went to Niagara Falls and asked a motel clerk for a room.

“We only have the honeymoon suite available,” the motel clerk told them.

“My wife and I’ve been married 25 year,” the man said. “We don’t need the honeymoon suite.”

“Look, buddy,” replied the clerk. “I might rent you Yankee Stadium, but you don’t have to play baseball in it!”



Q. Why is the letter “G” scary?
A. It turns a host into a ghost



Sardarji to his friend: Guess how many coins I have in my pocket?
Friend: If I guess right, will you give me one?
Sardarji: Oji, I will give you both of them.



Visiting Afghanistan for a second time, a war correspondent noted that since the fall of the Taliban, wives who used to walk ten paces behind their husbands were now walking ten paces in front.

The journalist asked one of the men if this was a sign of growing equality.

“No”, the man replied. “Land-mines.”



Mother to daughter: “What kind of person is your new boyfriend? Is he respectable?”

Daughter: “Of course he is, Mom. He’s thrifty, doesn’t drink or smoke, has a very nice wife and three well-behaved children.”



A Sardarji, a Muslim, a Hindu Panditji and an American were flying. Suddenly the plane’s engine goes bad. So everybody is advised to jump.

But they realise that there are no parachutes on the plane.

Sardarji being a little bold says, “Saala marna tey haiga, why not try something”. He unties his turban and holds the ends, making it like a parachute, and jumps out. Luckily, the idea works and he floats down like on a parachute.

Seeing this, Hindu Pandit also opens his dhoti and does the same, he also starts floating.

Now Muslim also removes his kurta and does the same and he too starts floating.

Now comes American’s turn. Poor chap is wearing torn Bermudas and a tattered T-shirt. Anyway he also removes them, ties everything up and jumps. But it does not hold and he starts falling very quickly. On the way to the ground he passes the Muslim, who says, “Allah tumhari khair kare”. Another 1000 feet and he passes the Panditji. Panditji says, “Bhagwan tumhari raksha kare”. Falling rapidly, he quickly passes the Sardarji. Sardarji says, “Achha aey gul heh..race lagani haigi, le phir“……… and leaves the turban.



A blonde walks into the police department looking for a job. The officer asks her a few questions.

Officer: What is 2+2?

Blonde: Ummmmm… 4!

Officer: What is the square root of 100?

Blonde: Ummmm… 10!

Officer: Good! Now, who killed Abraham Lincoln?

Blonde: Ummmm… I dunno.

Officer: Well, you can go home and think about it. Come back tomorrow.

The blonde goes home and calls up one of her friends, who asks her if she got the job. The blonde says, excitedly, “Not only did I get the job, but I am already working on a murder case!”



A woman awoke during the night to find that her husband was not in bed. She put on her robe and went downstairs.

He was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in front of him. He appeared to be in deep thought, just staring at the wall.

She saw him wipe a tear from his eye and take a sip of his coffee.

”What’s the matter dear? Why are you down here at this time of night?” she asked.

“Do you remember twenty years ago when we were dating and you were only 16?” he asked.

“Yes, I do,” she replied.

“Do you remember when your father caught us in the back seat of my car kissing?”

“Yes, I remember.”

“Do you remember when he shoved that shotgun in my face and said, ‘Either you marry my daughter or spend twenty years in jail?”

“Yes, I do,” she said.

He wiped another tear from his cheek and said, “You know…I would have gotten out today.”



Q. What did the lawyer name his daughter?
A. Sue.


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