Marilyn Monroe JFK sex tape

Marilyn Monroe’s sex tape with President Kennedy not auctioned

News East West

NEW YORK: A supposedly steamy sex tape that shows Hollywood blonde bombshell Marilyn Monroe having intercourse with President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy was not auctioned on Tuesday after its owner settled court ordered $200,000 debt.

The 8mm Marilyn Monroe JFK sex tape belongs to former Hollywood bodyguard-turned-collector William Castleberry.

The tape was seized from him and put on action by the Tulare County Sheriff in California for his failure to make payments in a $200,000 lawsuit. The lawsuit was slapped on him for selling a fake statue to many people. But on Tuesday, the auction was cancelled as someone settled the $200,000 debt on behalf of Castleberry.

Marilyn Monroe, who died in 1962 at the age of 36, had rumoured affairs with the then President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert F. Kennedy.

Speaking about the Marilyn Monroe JFK sex tape, 56-year-old William Castleberry had told last week that it is real, adding that he didn’t release it all these years out of respect for former Yankee star Joe DiMaggio who was married to Marilyn  Monroe for over nine months in 1954.

Castleberry said he was making regular payments after he was slapped with a judgment of $200,000 for selling a fake statue to several people in Visalia in California. But then his lawyers demanded a balloon payment that he couldn’t afford to pay.

“They (lawyers) demanded a $90,000 payment I couldn’t afford and that is when the sheriff came in and seized the sex tape and all of my other memorabilia I have been collecting my entire life,’’ he told Radaronline.

He had said he is desperately trying to raise money to save the sex tape and other memorabilia from being auctioned.

Lawyer Ryan Sullivan, who represented clients seeking to recover money from Castleberry, confirmed that the supposed sex tape was part of the memorabilia seized by the sheriff.

Sullivan said, “I was told several years ago that Mr. Castleberry had a sex tape  of Marilyn Monroe, JFK (President Kennedy) & RFK (Robert F. Kennedy). I was at the house when the sheriff was seizing the property. I’m simply trying to recover the money for my clients… I was able to locate a 8 mm film in a canister at the house, which was turned over to the Visalia Sheriff’s Department.”

But the lawyer said he was not sure what was on the seized tape. “I have no idea what is on the tape, it could be what Mr. Castleberry says, or it could be a Disney cartoon. The only way anyone will ever know is if they buy it and view it.”

Castleberry had promised that if he is able to save the Marilyn Monroe JFK sex tape from auction, he will make it public.

Will he now make the sex tape public?

READ NEXT: When Marilyn Monroe almost got drowned in Canada



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