Elvis with Ginger

Elvis Presley’s former fiancee reveals his last moments

News East West

NEW YORK: The former fiancee of Elvis Presley says the King suffered from terrible mood swings and was prone to angry outbursts. She says he even fired at his telephone and television when he felt they disturbed him.

Former beauty queen Ginger Alden, who has never spoken about Presley till now, has revealed these secrets and his last moments in her memoirs titled Elvis and Ginger due out on Sept 2.

The King died in his Graceland mansion in Memphis at the age of 42 in 1997.

Speaking about her life and courtship with Presley, Alden says that soon she saw the darker side of the King who suffered from terrible mood swings and let out angry outbursts.

As reported by The Telegraph, Alden says Presley promised her the “wedding of the century” which never happened as he died soon.

She says she had first met him at a fairground when she was a child. But in Nov 1976, Presley invited her sister Terry, who was the then Miss Tennessee, to his Graceland mansion in Memphis.

“I know this sounds funny but when Elvis entered the room, I thought trumpets would sound. He looked so handsome,’’ she recalls.

Alden ended up capturing Presley’s heart and later went with him on a visit to Las Vegas where he gifted her two rings – one with a huge diamond, and the other with diamonds and sapphires.

She narrates that Presley actually proposed to her in the bathroom of his mansion on January 26 of 1977.

But she says it did not take her long to see Presley’s darker side.

Once he rushed into the garden with a machine gun when he saw someone with `gun’ chasing his daughter Lisa. But that `gun’ was actually a toy pistol.

He fired at his telephone when it disturbed him and took aim at his television if he didn’t like a programme.

Alden says Presley went on eating binges. Once when she tried to stop him, he threw a dish of ice cream at her.

She recalls the night of August 16, 1977, when Presley died.

Alden says that when he was unable to sleep, he told her, “I’m going to the bathroom to read’’.

She says she went to sleep and when she woke up a few hours later, she found his body slumped on the bathroom floor and the lights were on.


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