Humanity by Barry Brown

Jews descended from Brahmin priests of India, says new book

Biblical tale of Eden and the ancient Kurukshetra War refer to the same event, says Toronto Jewish author Barry Brown in his book 

By Rohan Rai

TORONTO: The World’s First War was the historic event that inspired the Biblical story of Eden and that war took place in India nearly 6,000 years ago, according to a new book by Toronto-based Jewish author Barry Brown.

Brown, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated Canadian journalist, says the First War was the epic Battle of Kurukshetra as described in the Mahabharata. When it was over, four million warriors were dead and ancient India’s history vanished for 2,500 years until the time of the Buddha (c. 600 BC).  

Barry Brown
Jewish author Barry Brown.

In his book — Humanity: The World before Religion, War and Inequality — which is an epic journey through human history, Brown claims the 6,000-year-old Biblical tale of Eden and ancient India’s story of the Kurukshetra War both refer to the same event – the world’s First War and the end of ‘Generation Eden’ – human history before war.

Most people assume humans have fought wars over land and resources for as long as humans have walked the Earth. But that assumption is wrong, according to the widely-praised book.

The history that connects the end of ancient India with the start of the Jewish Bible flows through the Indo-Afro-European people known as the Hebrews. According to India’s text, after the war, the remaining members of its Royal Family, known as the Yadavas, begin to migrate westward from Eastern India.

“Likewise, the nearly 6,000-year-old Jewish calendar is said to begin when its first people – Adam and Eve – are exiled from Eden and begin their trek west. The Bible says Eden was a place at the eastern end of a land called Havilah. According to the 20-volume, 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, more than 2,000 years of Jewish and Christian tradition identify Havilah as India. That places Eden by the banks of India’s sacred Ganges River.”

About 2,400 years ago, the Greek philosopher Aristotle said that ‘the Jewish people are descended from the Brahman priests of India.’ It turns out, he was right, says Brown.

“The word ‘Hebrew’ means `homeless wanderers from the Eas’t and these people are first identified after the Biblical characters of Noah and his followers are forced to abandon their unidentified homeland for the Middle East and Northeast Africa around 2000 BC,” says Brown, who has written over 3,000 articles for 120 news organizations worldwide, including,, The New York Times, Washington Times, Los Angeles Times, Jerusalem Post, Toronto Star and Sky News TV (London). 

This story refers to a period of worldwide climate change and the end of India’s Indus River Valley Civilization. The local people of Mesopotamia called these homeless Indo-Semitic people the ‘Hebrews’.”

Modern genetic science has traced these family ties through the Ancient Israelites and their line of born priests called the Levites. Like India’s Brahmans, the Levites are Jewish priests identified by their ancient family ties to the family of Moses and his brother Aaron (c 1300 BC). 

A 2003 chromosome study of the R1a1a Haplogroup found multiple origins for the family of European Levites including one line that is uncommon among Middle Eastern Jews but present in over 70% of the West Bengal Brahmans. Another Levite line, Haplogroup J1, leads from the Indus to the Middle East by way of the Persian Gulf while others lead to Europe and North Africa – all around the same time of 2000 BC and all matching the Bible’s tale of migration.

“Our study of the Jewish population of India revealed that their maternal and paternal gene pool is linked with the people of West- Eurasia. The literary evidence also strongly supports this hypothesis,” says Dr Lalji Singh, Vice-Chancellor of India’s Hindu University and a leader in India’s genetic research program. More info at

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