Gene Simmons

Rockstar Gene Simmons spells magic at Toronto Money Show!


TORONTO: Over the past weekend on Sep 14 –15, the popular touring Money Show made its annual stop in downtown Toronto at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre bringing in rock star Gene Simmons to talk about marijuana investing.

In anticipation of the October 17 date for the legalization of marijuana in Canada, the show had a multitude of stalls and kiosks from the US and Canada devoted just to marijuana and its derivatives like cannabis oils , edibles and the extra potent form known as shatter weed (because it shatters your brain).

They also had a hall devoted just to talks on the benefits of cannabis for both medical and recreational reasons and the potential for making money investing in grass companies. These sales pitches were very well attended. A couple of South Asians Dhaliwal and Kiran Sidhu were also there touting their companies Supreme (based in Canada) and Halo (based in the US)

To top it all off, the show brought in internationally known rock star Gene Simmons of the pyrotechnic band KISS to talk about investing in marijuana (ganja). His talk as expected drew huge crowds and the hall was filled to capacity.

Gene Simmons has invested in and is the Chief Evangelist officer of the weed company Invictus.

Besides weed, there were stalls showcasing regular investment such as real estate, ETFs (including marijuana ETFs), options trading (the next most crowded presentations), foreign currency trading, diamond investing, precious metal investing and much more.
The options trading presentations with puts, calls, straddles, strangles and spreads were the next most popular after the cannabis talks.

Another well known personality present at the show was Derek Foster who is famous for having retired at the age of 34 and has written several books on how to do it. He has also written books for boomers who can still make it starting late.

All in all it was a terrific show.

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