Antarctica ice meltdown

Sea levels would rise by 58 metres if all ice on Antarctica melts

Antarctica ice holds about 60 per cent of all fresh water on earth and it has lost 272 trillion tonnes (of ice) since 1992

The Canadian Bazaar

TORONTO: A new study published in the journal Nature on Wednesday says that about 219 billion tonnes of Antarctica ice is melting into the ocean each year, raising sea levels by a half millimetre each year.

It warns that the melting rate of Antarctica ice has tripled during the last decade because of climate change.

The study says the Antarctica has lost 272 trillion tonnes of ice since 1992. Which means that sea levels have risen by about 8 millimetres since then.

The Antarctica holds about 60 per cent of all fresh water on our planet.

If all the entire 24 million square kilometres of ice cover on the Antarctica melts, sea levels would rise by 58 metres drowning cities around the world.


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