Katy Perry big balloons

`Happy birthday, Katy Perry! It’s time to bring out the big balloons’

Katy Perry big balloons?

Yes, you heard it right!

At a time when big men in the entertainment world are under onslaught from their former sexual victims, how about this picture of talk show host Ellen DeGeneres staring at singer Katy Perry’s breasts and posting the comment below on social media?

Wishing Katy Perry on her 33rd birthday on Wednesday, DeGeneres tweeted a 2013 picture of herself and her wife Portia de Rossi (left) with the singer.

In the picture, DeGeneres is staring wildly at Katy Perry’s breasts and the caption reads: “Happy birthday, Katy Perry! It’s time to bring out the big balloons.”

Well, well, well. In the current atmosphere, any male celebrity posting such a picture would be roasted alive.

As TV personality Piers Morgan rightly commented, “If a man made this joke, Ellen would lead the cries of ‘sexist pig!”

Actor Michael Rapaport similarly tweeted: “Imagine if Cam Newton or any other man sent out this tweet and photo. If a dude said this the world would stop.”


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