Tag: Darshan Maharaja

  • Dos and don’ts for Premier Doug Ford

    Dos and don’ts for Premier Doug Ford

    He should first know the true state of finances, restore wage increase exemptions and hasten slowly on social agenda TORONTO: Now that the Ontario Progressive Conservatives have won a thumping majority in the election, it is worth pondering what path may be the most beneficial to the party as well as Ontarians. In view of…

  • Why Andrea Horwath could be disaster for Ontario

    Why Andrea Horwath could be disaster for Ontario

    The NDP leader will break the back of taxpayers as she plans to welcome all illegal immigrants by turning Ontario into a `Sanctuary Province’ There is a saying in the Gujarati language which translates as follows: “Throwing a feast for the pastor, when one’s family members are starving.” The spate of virtue-signaling policies and announcements…

  • PIPE DREAMS: Jagmeet’s baffling support for BC Premier on Kinder Morgan

    PIPE DREAMS: Jagmeet’s baffling support for BC Premier on Kinder Morgan

    TORONTO: The controversy surrounding the proposed – and approved – Kinder Morgan pipeline to transport bitumen from Alberta to the port of Burnaby in B.C. has escalated to a point where it now has the potential to derail the careers of several senior politicians. This is demonstrated by the acrimony that has developed between the…